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Twenty eight years ago I turned profoundly deaf at the age of Three. We don’t know how I went deaf but since I’ve been having ear infections after ear infections, I’m pointing it out that may be the cause.
My mother said I was a very frustrated child who just wanted to be heard. I was fitted with a hearing aid and took up speech therapy straight away. Mum told me that I was never going to speak properly and was told to best learn sign language. I end up learning how to sign as well as doing speech therapy.
Over the years, as I grew older, my speech was good but I did often get mistaken for being hearing with an overseas accent or hearing impaired. I went through many barriers of communications, missing out on a lot of things, can never answer a phone and being judged. I was lucky to be involved in both deaf and hearing old but I was regretting for being deaf. I just wanted to hear so badly, I never told anyone. Cochlea implant was not on my wish list as I was against it.
After having two hearing children with my husband who is also hearing, I was missing out a lot of actions but had to accept that was what I had a live through . I was still happy, I thought I could hear a lot than I thought.
The only thing that changed my life 3 years ago was that I was in a robber situation at work that had effected me mentality and physically. My hearing aids were useless. I was blaming myself that if I wasn’t deaf I would have heard this and that. I emotionally ate, gained weight, stayed at home and lost motivation in my own world.
Last year in January, I decided to check out the cochlea implant that I once was against it. I got approved and it wasn’t until November that I got it. Eight months later,I’m still in the process of hearing new sounds that I’ve never heard of before. Sounds are more clear and the main thing, I’m slowly gaining my confidence back.
I still do regret for being deaf, but having the cochlea implant done, life is too short so I’m going to make the most of what I have around me with my family and friends. Hear new sounds and embrace it.
Posted anonymously, 25th July 2014
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