

Hi Mums,
I have had plenty of experience with MYOB in multiple jobs.
I have been offered a job which uses Xero which I have never used before.
I really want to take the job but am worried because I dont have experience using this Software.
Would anyone know how difficult it is to use in comparison to MYOB?

Posted by mom103936, 16th July 2015

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  • Yes perhaps use google to find some reviews, good luck!


  • not sure as i have only use myob


  • Hopefully you took the job & found out it comes with lots of help & is way easier to learn than previous accounting packages!


  • I found a text book for Xero so might buy it and get some extra info.


  • Personally I’ve had experience with both Quickbooks, MYOB and now XERO.
    I must say, I find XERO easy to use.
    It syncs well, is 100% online so can access from anywhere and has so much in the way of online help and short simple tutorials that will make your life easy.

    If you can suffer through MYOB you’ll have no trouble with XERO!
    Good luck with the new job.

    • Thank you so much for this amazing advise. I have heard lots of good things about Xero so am looking forward to trying it.


  • Maybe use google to find some reviews – may be helpful?


  • No idea sorry – if they have offered you the job – they have faith in your abilities. Good Luck!


  • I’m sorry, I don’t know – but they must have confidence that you could cope.


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