
16 Comment

A simple and easy craft for all ages. You could use these for pretend play in any situation and they are easy to take in a pocket as they are so small.


  • Paddle pop sticks
  • pipe cleaners
  • textas


  1. Twist one pipe cleaner around the middle of a paddle pop stick to make the arms.
  2. Draw a face and you're done.


This is an easy craft for most ages, and from preschool up they should be independent with making these themselves.

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    • 08 Jan 2016
      3:11 pm

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  • I used to make things like this with my girls when they were young, it used to keep them busy for awhile.


  • I’ll have to collect some pop sticks for this. I just bought a box of frozen yoghurt popsicles, there’s a start


  • It look s great! Thank you so much for sharing this.


  • You could make a whole family worth


  • paddle pop men could be put in the garden like fairies.


  • Great idea. Kids could put on a play with their characters. Thanks.


  • Older children shorten the one used as the head and body, and glue on more to use for the arms and legs. Decorate them with old wrapping paper using glue or sticky tape. Depending on the age of the child, Mum may need to cut the paper or supervise the process. You could also use material scraps or left over knitting yarn.


  • these are so cute and you could also use them in a puppet show.
    thanks for sharing.


  • My oh my. Paddle pop sticks are so versatile.


  • An inexpensive and fun project for the children during the school holidays. These little paddle pop stick people look good.


  • haha this is a great idea! i bet everyone has lots of these paddle pop sticks because it is so hot!.

    • yes i also thought that you can add a magnet on these as well. or paper outfits 🙂

      • Great idea with the paperclip – you could make it into a bookmark!

      • I like the magnet and the paperclip idea, both terrific tips.


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