
793 Entries

This giveaway includes…

1 x major prize valued at $458.95

  • 1 x PS3 console ($369) – PlayStation 3 delivers high quality and affordable entertainment for the whole family!
  • 1 x Disney Infinity PS3 starter pack ($89.95).

1 x minor prize valued at $89.95

  • 1 x Disney Infinity PS3 starter pack

Please note this competition is open from 21st August 2013 until 18th September 2013 and is only available to members of Mouths Of Mums. We are unable to accept entries posted via facebook. The winners of this competition will be published on this page. Winners’ name and address will be provided to the promoter of this competition and prizes will be sent to the address you have in Your Profile. Please ensure your details are up to date so that you receive your prize.
Note: the minor prize does not include a PS3 console, just the starter pack – the winner of the minor prize will require their own PS3 to be able to use the starter pack.

Winners for this competition

  1. T. OkeefeVIC
  2. M. IrwinVIC
  • Lightning McQueen is red and shiny, determined at first, but quite nasty. But he learns the love and friendships are the real win, Creating heartfelt happiness and many a grin

  • Violet ..
    She has a plasma shield and acrobatic skills for getting out of trouble. Whether she is creating energy fields or turning invisible to sneak-up on bad guys, when Violet taps into her super powers, she’s a force to reckon with, girl power !

  • Mr Potato Head would be so much fun to play with special attachments or upgrades for any occasion.

  • Minnie Mouse – shes kind and sweet, and is a real smart little cookie, and as she is so cute everyone would love her.

  • My kids love all the Disney movies so playing a game would be even better

  • Captain Jack Sparrow, the Black Pearls master, the sea’s greatest pirate. What an awesome battle it could be.

  • I would be Lightning McQueen
    The fastest car you’ve ever seen
    Drive flat out, roar around bends
    With this character the fun never ends

  • Lightning Mc Queen
    fast as can be
    and gone before he’s seen

  • Mater would be really fine,
    helping out his friends all the time.
    Funny, witty, mighty gritty,
    He’s the rust you can definitely trust.

  • I’d be Mater, he might be old and banged up, but he’s still cute and adorable.

  • I’d be Lightning McQueen – imagine being a racing car!

  • I would like to be the mum on the incredibles. The whole family love the movie and we could each be a character from the show 🙂

  • Sully …. oh to never have to worry about waxing, plucking, pruning or shaving again!

  • Captain Jack Sparrow as I can show all thee bildge rats who is the salty king of the sea and no one can arrrgggue!

  • Mr 4 year old says “Lightening McQueen he is Faster than fast, quicker than quick”

  • Mater, everyone underestimates him. I love a dark horse.

  • Dory from finding Nemo because she’s just as ditzy and forgetful as aim we would make a great pair

  • captain jack sparrow cause he is so cool

  • Mrs Incredible I would be
    So I could whip around get everything done
    in seconds
    and I would not be a slave to housework

  • Violet from the Incredibles so I can go invisible when I need to and generate a force field to protect myself.

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