We were given the opportunity to chat to Jimmy Giggle – yes, THE Jimmy Giggle – and we decided get our fabulous members to ask the questions (but we did ask them to keep it clean hehe).
Here are all of Jimmy’s wonderful responses (swoon):
NATASHA ASKS – How did you get started? and would you ever consider doing anything else (TV or otherwise)?
I always wanted a job in the industry but didn’t really know where to start. I found an audition the ABC were running for new talent for their launch of ABC 3. I went through the process but was never called back for that job, instead I got a call from Giggle and Hoot who were starting out at the same time. I auditioned for them and got the job. I am loving what I am doing right now and would change a thing… It’s too much fun!! π
SHAUNA ASKS – Is your voice on TV how you actually speak? Or is it just for the show?
Haha, no my voice is a lot deeper than it is on the show and not so crazy! When we are about to record the director days to us, remember this is the most fun you are about to have… EVER!
KIRSTI ASKS – Does it get annoying to use that voice and be that excited all the time?
No, it’s all part of the energy of the show I think. When in the studio we have to remember who we are performing for, it’s that one kid watching the TV at home.
Giggle and Hoot is about fun and laughter, so I think that energy just has to be there.
DOMINIE ASKS – What does your wife think of your job? Do you annoy her with your Jimmy Giggle voice?
Haha, she thinks it’s hilarious! She is a great support to me, even when I’m prancing around on TV in a tutu! There is a lot of eye rolling because she knows I’m just a big kid in search of a laugh. Haha!
TINA ASKS – I’ve always wondered if he’s also the voice of hoot?
No, that would be very clever. The man who plays Hoot and his voice is Nicholas Richard.
CHRISTINA ASKS – Do you get children coming up to you in public if they recognise you? Do you put on the voice if they do?
Well, often I am a little less recognisable due to the fact that I don’t walk around in my PJ’s all the time, I may also have a little facial hair. So the parents usually spot me and tell their kids that it is Jimmy Giggle, which usually results in me having to do the voice to convince them its really me. Haha!
CAT ASKS – Please tell me/us your not going to talk to your wife in your “Jimmy Giggle” voice during labor!! Bah hah hah! (Congrats on the little Giggle by the way)
That could be funny right, “push, push, Yeah… Hoot Hoot, that’s awesome… Yeah!!”
MELANIE ASKS – I’ve often wondered if they have (or will have) ABC for kids on TV for their kids? Or is it weird to have yourself on TV?
Could get a little awkward. I’m not sure what we are going to do, all the best shows are on ABC4KIDS so I guess we will have to have it on a little bit.
KRISSY ASKS – Can he grow a beard? He’s got such a baby face. A very cute one at that.
I hate shaving, so in the days that I’m not recording the show I let it grow… Sounds like a song from Frozen… ‘Let it grow…let it grow’
RACHEL ASKS – What is your favourite children’s show?
I loved ABC4kids when I was young and watched Sesame Street, the Muppets and shows like Eric the Bananaman! I think Sesame Street is still great and anything that can make me as an adult laugh!
RACHEL ASKS – Did you take your wife on her first date in the Giggle Mobile?
I wish, I had this old Mitsubishi Magna, it was light blue with blue interior… Amazing I know! I picked Tori up one day at her folks house and the radiator hose blew and green coolant went running down her parents pristine driveway…. So embarrassing!
NICOLE ASKS – What do your friends and partner say about your job? How was it the first time seeing yourself in TV as Jimmy Giggle?
They think it is hilarious, strange at first, but now that everyone is having kids they appreciate it a lot more. The first time I saw the show it was strange, I guess I remembered the hours that went into getting it off the ground, rehearsals, costume fittings, set checks etc! Looking back at that first episode now, it’s terrible!! Haha!!!
LISA ASKS – Do you babysit? And is hoot easy to work with? Is hootabelle a diva?
What do you mean, Hoot and I baby sit every morning and afternoon! Hoot is a diva, same with HB.
SHARNA ASKS – Does Hoot haunt you in your sleep?
No but songs from the show haunt me in my sleep.
You know what is like trying to get to sleep and all that is going round in your head is the Funky Owl… Gonna show you how… Not the funky chicken or the funky cow…
APRIL ASKS – Do you ever talk to stuffed animals when you’re home alone?
Not stuffed ones. I talk to my two dogs, Barney and Lexi.
PAULA ASKS – Can you really play the guitar well in real life compared to on the show?
Yep. I can probably play that the best, anything else I can play sort of badly!
MEAGAN ASKS – When children send in their art for the Giggle Gallery, how do you know the correct pronunciation of all the bizarre names?
Google! And if google doesn’t know then I just guess. Sorry to anyone who’s name had been pronounced wrong.
RENEE ASKS – My daughters aged 2 and 5 would like to ask Jimmy why he removed tree fu tom!
Oh I’m not sure, could be the end of the series!? It may be back next year.
TARA ASKS – Why can’t you get the magic button to work?
Could be the plastic tool belt that I have! Maybe Hoot really does love it when I press the magic button and sabotages it.
Jimmy will be starring in Giggle and Hoot and Friends live on stage in January 2015. If you would like to take your little Giggle and Hoot fans, check out the tour dates below and click here for all ticketing information.
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