
  • 15 minutes
  • Difficulty Easy
  • 4 Ingredients

154 Comment

Easy yummy icecream slice that can be made in advance and altered for whatever taste you like


  • 2pkts Arnotts Malt-o-Milk Biscuits
  • 600ml Thickened Cream
  • 1 tin Sweetened Condensed Milk
  • 3 Violet Crumble Bars


  1. Line a freezer proof container with the biscuits, cutting them if needed to fit. My container takes about 2/3 of a packet of biscuits for the bottom layer and same for top
  2. Beat thickened cream until whipped add condensed milk and combine.
  3. Fold in the chopped violet crumble bars,
  4. Pour this mixture on top of biscuits and smooth out. Add another layer of biscuits on top lining them up so it will cut evenly Freeze overnight.


Can use whatever flavours you like Peppermint Crisps work well

  • Oh my word! I must try this!! It looks wickedly decadent! Saturday nights are usually pizza and ice-cream nights with a movie, so this would be a great one to pull out. I can’t believe how easy it is to make and so few ingredients. It would work well for a dinner party also.


  • Oh I am so giving this a go. I have never heard of the Malt-o-Milk biscuits so will have to keep my eyes open


  • Amazing!


  • Thank you. I lost this recipe a while ago and now I can make them again. I’ve used cherry ripe, crunchie, twirl and even m&m’s although they weren’t as good as the others. You are only restricted by your imagination.


  • Hubby and the kids will love this. They love ice cream biscuits.
    I’m more interested in the biscuit over the ice cream.


  • I love love love an icecream sandwich and buy them regularly. My fave are the choc mint kind.


  • Yummmm these sound so good!! Right up my alley


  • Oooh sounds delicious! A perfect little school holiday treat!


  • Yum. I love malt o milk biscuits. These sound great fir summer.


  • Yum! Great idea- ready made ones are so expensive!


  • Thank you for sharing this easy recipe.


  • So simple and easy to do – and would taste really yummy. Thanks for sharing.


  • Wow! This looks and sounds amazing.
    I feel like I’d eat the whole thing myself and not tell anyone lol.


  • This wouldn’t last long in my house


  • What an easy recipie. I usually eat my icecream between buiscuits anyway hehe


  • Oh this is a must how can it go wrong with those ingredients yummo


  • Yumm. This is great for parties as well.


  • We are huge fans of ice-cream sandwiches and I buy them often. I had never considered making my own, but… I didn’t know it was so easy.


  • I’m glad that this recipe was shared on here because I lost mine. I used to make this using Crunchie and then I experimented using Cherry Ripe and also Peppermint Crisp. Just let your imagination run wild.


  • Ok, enough with the yummy desserts already. My waistline is getting bigger just from looking at theses recipes. Another one for the Christmas lunch list… maybe for the kids


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