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It’s that time of the year again, when we feel inclined to reach for the pen and paper and begin to write down our resolutions and what we’d like to achieve in the year that lays before us.

If meditation hasn’t made it onto the list yet, Luke McLeod, the founder of the world’s first live streamed meditation service, Soul Alive has suggested some reasons as to why it should top the list this year

Meditation can slow down aging

Telomeres are protective caps at the ends of our chromosomes and the length of them offers a fascinating insight into the longevity of life. The shorter the length of our telomeres, the more susceptible our cells are to dying and sensitive we are to disease, as we get older.

In 2013, Elizabeth Hoge, M.D., a professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, lead a study comparing telomere length to those that meditated and those that didn’t. Results revealed that those who meditated regularly had longer telomere length overall. This strongly supports how meditation can have a positive effect on healthy cellular aging.

Lowers Blood pressure

A study on the practice of Transcendental Meditation and the effects on blood pressure showed that there were approximate reductions of 4.7 mm systolic blood pressure and 3.2 mm diastolic blood pressure when meditation was part of regular routine. This is a significant impact and can also lessen the reliance on prescribed blood pressure medication.

Improve sleep

Neurochemical melatonin is critical to the falling asleep process. Produced in the brain, melatonin is a hormone whose levels peak just before bedtime, ensuring you get a night of deep, restful sleep.

Rutgers University researchers discovered that melatonin levels in meditation practitioners were boosted by an average of 98%!

Aid with memory retention

It has been proven that meditation increases the cerebral blood flow to the brain. Particularly to the frontal lobe and parietal lobes, both areas involved in retrieving memories.

Boost your overall appreciation for life

Lastly, meditation can simply bring greater joy into your life. Rather than quote another proven scientific fact, I think it’s fitting that my last reason as to why it’s a good idea to start meditating comes from the heart.

It’s hard to explain, but a growing feeling of love and appreciation has developed within me. I can confidently say I don’t feel as stressed or worried about things as I use to. A simple deep gratitude for life itself has blossomed and I hope you decide to give it a go too.

Learn To Meditate

If you would like help in learning how to meditate, I would love you to take a look at Soul Alive. An online meditation service where you can attend meditation classes from the comfort of your own home.

Additionally, if you are Sydney based we are hosting our first workshop/ day retreat on 16 February 2020 and would love for you to come along to learn more https://www.soulalive.com.au/soul-alive-workshop-sydney

Here’s to a wonderful 2020!

Do you make meditation part of your lifestyle? Tell us in the comments below.


About Luke McLeod 

Luke is the founder of the first live-streamed meditation service Soul Alive which aims to bring a little more calmness and confidence into the world in an easy & authentic manner.

For the last 10 years, Luke has immersed himself in the study and practice of meditation & mindfulness.

In this time he established the Soul Society, a growing community where people come together to relax, reset and connect. Soul Alive is his latest venture.

Luke’s guided meditations have been embraced by thousands all around the world and has worked closely with the likes of AMEX, KPMG & Lululemon.


  • Not sure how i would go trying to clear my mind


  • I started meditation this year but find it hard to sit still, I have ended up using my exercising time to clear my mind


  • I’ve never really been able to meditate.


  • I have started to include some meditation in my life although I am not sure it’s a regular practice yet. Even still I have noticed that I feel calmer and am sleeping better.


  • I must start.


  • I have just started to Meditate and am finding it so relaxing and I do feel much better after a meditation session. You just gave to find a really good Meditation App


  • Just have never mastered the art of meditation – and doubt I will this art now at the latter part of my life. Good post and interesting. Thanks for sharing


  • It’s definitely a goal of mine!


  • I wish I could get the hang of meditation. I’ve tried and tried but no matter what, my mind is over run with incessant thoughts. I cannot locate my off switch


  • I use to meditate all the time I think I need to get back to it again, with a new baby I’ve quickly forgotten to do stuff for myself…


  • I’m trying hard to meditate every day but finding those few minutes is hard


  • I’ve tried it before and I can’t quiet my mind. I keep thinking of what I should be doing instead


  • I’m very into the idea of meditation and mindfulness, but find it quite difficult. My mind is too active and keeps wandering.

    • I am exactly the same as you. I have too many things on my mind and find it hard to stay focussed. I would love to learn how to though


  • I’ve tried to meditate before but I just couldn’t do it. It’s just not something that is a priority for me.


  • This is something I want to incorporate into my daily routine this year.


  • Meditation is an absolute must for me.

    • The calm and peace achieved by meditating is blissful!


  • I never imagined I would be able to meditate but… my Yoga teacher has introduced it to her studio and incorporated into our yoga sessions and I absolutely love everything about it. How it calms my mind, gives me peace for the time I’m there, teaches me about spirituality, etc. So glad I found it.


  • I don’t do this as of yet. Struggling to find any time to myself that when the kids are in bed I crash!

    • Maybe try to do it at a time when the kids are having a nap or a quick exercise whilst you’re watching them play ?


  • I like to meditate and pray, but yes in all business of life it’s sometimes very difficult to become calm, still and quiet


  • I’ve been trying over recent weeks (and through illness) to meditate regularly and its definitely helping and has helped with pain. I know I’ve more to learn with meditation but would highly recommend everyone to give it a go.


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