

A great home made height chart. We have one in each of the kids rooms and they always want to add their friends – it's really cute! When I was little we measured on a wall and then when we moved house it was all gone and I was so happy this idea means I can take it with me to the next house we move to.


  • 1 length of wide ribbon / fabric
  • some safety pins / paper clips
  • 2 nails / pins / tape to attach to the wall
  • some bagage tags (if you want to use different colours per child then make your own baggage tag with a piece of card and a hole punch)
  • a pen


  1. 1 attach your height chart to the wall by either, pinning, drilling or taping it where you want it to go in a straight line. one attached i would mark with a stitch where 1 metres is incase you need to take down and want to know what mark was what height.
  2. Write on the baggage tab the NAME, AGE and DATE of the first person to be measured
  3. now thread your baggage tab through the safety pin and attach to the ribbon in line with the top of their head - i use a book to check.
  4. Measure and pin up all your friends and you can keep a record of everybody's height and how much they grow.

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    • 18 Feb 2014
      2:39 pm

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  • I’d use markers as I’m a little clumsy and might accidentally move the paperclips


  • Hmmm, I think I like my door jamb height chart. I only had 2 kids, so not enough room wasn’t an option. Of course, when we move, it will be left behind. But I wrote all their heights down in their baby books as well


  • Just make sure the tag doesn’t fall off

    • It’s a good idea about keeping it for keepsake to see how they’ve grown


  • I very cute and cheap idea

    • Great way to keep all information about how your child is growing


  • Well that’s a cool idea!


  • This is such a great idea! I might give this a go!


  • What a really great idea! Thanks for sharing this!


  • Oh this is very cute Thanks for sharing!


  • Great idea thanks


  • what a sweet little idea this is!


  • So much easier to move then our skinny piece of wood.


  • Thanks for sharing this creative and clever idea.


  • i love how even if you move house, you can still keep this precious record of your child’s growing up. great idea

    • thanks so much for this remarkable idea. very lovely to keep their height chart


  • absolutely love this idea! thanks so much


  • This is cool as you can take it with you if you move house. We have 4 floor length doors and each on the children have a door. Their height and date are recorded with Gray lead pencil and then spray with hair spray so it doesn’t rub off.


  • Oh that’s brilliant. I wish we had this when we were young! thanks for sharing.


  • Such a clever idea!!!


  • Thats a lovely idea. Ive lived in this house for 22 years and have a wall in my kitchen where all of my kids heights have been marked. We are supposed to be renovating the kitchen some time over then next 2 years or so and im sad to see the height chart wall go.


  • This is a really cute idea :)


  • Excellent idea. Thanks for sharing.


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