
64 Comment

A great way to increase the amount of succulents in your garden.


  • Succulent plant
  • Spare pot
  • Potting mix


  1. Take a broken piece of succulent plant (you can also do this from a leFt but I've had less success with leaves).
  2. Let broken part dry out for a day or two.
  3. Plant only one to two centimetres deep in a pot filled with potting mix.
  4. Lightly water and leave for a day or two (depending on the weather).
  5. Roots will start to develop and you will have a new plant growing.


My daughter is always breaking parts off the succulent plants and this is a great way to increase the number of plants very cheaply.

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    • 04 Mar 2014
      7:15 pm

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  • Succulents are such pretty little plants, so much variety. Nice easy way to create some gorgeous Xmas pressies


  • am a big fan of doing this! always done this…great!


  • Great way to make new plants


  • I am a big fan of succulents as they are such forgiving plants in the garden and I love the greenery.

    • It does make your garden look more lively


  • I love this idea! thanks


  • Succulents are the perfect plant to take cuttings from.

    • Succulents are perfect for fetes and they can be made up at very little cost and people seem to love to buy them at fetes.


  • A good idea, thanks for sharing!


  • so very easy to double your plants


  • A very interesting and ingenious tip; thanks for sharing!.


  • Succulents are also great in hanging baskets because they don’t mind drying out so much.


  • it is so easy to get a new plant to grow

    • thanks for the tip. succulents are so easy to deal with.


  • I use the leaves aswell and just keep well watered till they grow


  • I’m trying to work out why the pot is lying on its side.
    You can propogate zygo cactus. I was given some pieces of some about 10 months ago when it was a severe heatwave. When the weather cooled down I planted some of them. They haven’t done very well and haven’t flowered. I kept some in a glass of water in the kitchen area, and keep topping the water up (it is about 3-4 cm. deep) and they are still growing although their roots are still short and some of them have flowered. I thought they might die because of the cool air conditioning in Summer and the heat in Winter but they have coped very well.


  • I just plant them straight after breaking them off and keep watered


  • I’ve started doing this recently. I used to think you had to sit the succulent in water to allow roots to grow but you can just stick straight into the potting mix. awesome and free 🙂


  • Thanks, my daughter will love this too. In fact just today we went for a walk and she picked a few succulents from a friendly neighbour. She’s left them to dry out a bit as the neighbour suggested. So I’ll show her this.


  • Thanks, I don’t have a great deal of success doing this, will try again.


  • thanks for sharing


  • Such a great handy little tip


  • thank you for this, some great tips, will try this


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