
66 Comment

For a little background to tell the kids- in this part of the world, easter marks the start of spring. To celebrate the cold winter days ending, they decorate their trees with as many bright colours as they can!


  • 1 Tree branch
  • 1 tube White poster paint
  • Easter decorations


  1. Sit down with the kids to make some pretty easter decorations. You can draw and colour in your own easter eggs, make painted eggs by blowing the yolk out of the real eggs, or tie ribbon around actual easter eggs.
  2. Paint the tree branch white (or whatever colour you choose). Allow to dry. While drying, make the decorations.
  3. Fill a vase with scrunched up paper and stand branch in vase. Take turns hanging decorations from the 'tree'

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  • teacup83
    • 09 Apr 2014
      12:18 am

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  • That looks cool, my kids would really enjoy doing this


  • this is a really beautiful idea and a fantastic activity while in isolation and with easter approaching.


  • I never knew there was such a thing as an Easter tree. I love reading about traditions from other parts of the country, it’s so interesting


  • Good to keep in mind for when it’s Easter again


  • Something different, thanks for sharing


  • The Easter Tree look’s amazing,will try one next year! Thanks!


  • Perfect idea with Easter a few months away!


  • A friend does this every year and now I know why. Her family is Romanian!


  • It looks good! Thanks so very much for sharing!


  • thanks for sharing…


  • We do this every year. It’s just so much fun decorating with the children 🙂


  • I do something similar to this every year in my classroom. At the beginning of Lent we each make a caterpillar, out of thick pipe cleaners etc and write a Lenten promise. At easter the kids love to come in to the room to see what has happened……I then change the caterpillars into butterflies! (I buy them from spotlight) we then decorate with eggs like above.


  • Thanks for sharing this tree; looks lovely!


  • this looks so delicate! what a great idea though and this would be good for next easter, to try


  • Loving this traditional easter tree

    • I love all types of trees – traditional and modern – so much diversity. 🙂


  • As a German lady Im impressed 🙂


  • I’m going to try something similar with a Christmas theme. Thanks for the idea.


  • love this my mother in law is Ukrainian and has done the easter egg thing in the past might do this for a surprise for her table next year


  • Love the simpleness of this cannot wait till eater


  • Love it. Will definitely give this a go when my little man gets older.


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