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We are thrilled to give you the chance to WIN 1 of 10 DVD packs including Danger Mouse: Mission Impossible, Rabbids Invasion 2.0 and Lego Scooby: Haunted!

Roadshow DVD Giveaway: Featuring the brand new Danger Mouse

The World’s Greatest Secret Agent is back!

Duty has called, and Danger Mouse has delivered, exploding into an all new action packed adventure.

With his ever fearful, always faithful sidekick Penfold, Danger Mouse has returned to protect London, multiple parallel universes and Willesden Green from the villainous machinations of arch nemesis Baron Greenback.

Danger Mouse: Mission Improbable and Rabbids Invasion 2.0 are on sale to own May 4th.

Lego Scooby: Haunted is on sale May 18th.

Please note this competition is open from 1st May 2016 until 1st June 2016 and is only available to members of Mouths Of Mums. This competition is a game of skill – answer in 50 words or less. We are unable to accept entries posted via facebook. Facebook LIKE functionality is not a requirement of entry to this competition. The winners of this competition will be published on this page. Winners’ name and address will be provided to the promoter of this competition and prizes will be sent to the address you have in Your Profile. Please ensure your details are up to date so that you receive your prize.

Winners for this competition

  1. J. VickersWA
  2. J. MaundersVIC
  3. J. NikVIC
  5. T. JonesQLD
  6. M. DurellWA
  7. N. WackwitzNSW
  8. J. IverachNSW
  9. B. ColeWA
  10. J. CooperQLD
  • Crisis Cursor. I’d be by his side but pointing the way to go.

  • Corny Karen. I would look hilarious in a superhero costume. I would have the baddies in stitches and Danger Mouse could finish them off.

  • REBELIOUS RAT, We would be coolest rodents around!

  • I’d be called reggie. Its a cool name 😉 .

  • If I would become Danger Mouse sidekick my name would be Encridible Sidekick, it should be fun being with Danger Mouse ever since in my childhood I love DM much.

  • Chicken Arm – as I’m the perfect ‘Wing Man’ for Danger Mouse

  • Smart Mouse – I’d be the geeky planning side kick that is the brains behind the missions.

  • Marshmallow Mouse… sweet and bouncy!

  • Miss Kitty because I think Danger Mouse would be best friends with a cat.

  • Crafty Cheese.
    I think it would be fun having a triangular piece of cheese on legs as a character that helps Danger Mouse by tricking the baddies. Cheese please anyone?!

  • Dainty Dawn would be my name because I’d be up at the crack of dawn,fighting the good fight with Danger Mouse and because I’d be his loyal companion until the dawn of time.

  • flash as I would be there in a flash to help out.

  • Indestructible – but Indy for short! Tough and never back down from a puzzle to solve or quest to complete!

  • Kazoom! I will be full of speed, adrenaline and ready to take one whatever challenge is given to me!

  • Sly mouse. I can be very sneaky when I want to be.

  • Chaos woman!

  • Super Nic, goes with my name Nicole.

  • Mini Super Mouse as I would be Danger Mouse’s apprentice.

  • Misson Galore as we stay on the trail and never fail Mission and Danger will win out like never before. One of Galores artworks to see. following Danger Mouse even to the bottom of the sea

  • Atomic bomb as I could go off anywhere or anytime and destroy all in sight

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