
83 Entries

Join the MamaHood! WIN 1 of 10 three months supply of MamaCare Premium Pregnancy Supplement

10 lucky winners will receive a 3 months supply of the MamaCare Pregnancy Premium Pregnancy Supplement

MamaCare Premium Pregnancy Supplement has been formulated with 26 essential nutrients, including 500mcg Folic Acid, Iron, Iodine, and Protein. During Pregnancy your nutritional requirements can increase up to 50% so supplementing with MamaCare will give your unborn baby the best start in life and help you maintain your health and vitality. Nutritionally superior, with a great taste, it’s gentler and easier to digest than tablets. MamaCare Premium Pregnancy Supplement is gentle on the stomach and easy to make, just add water for a delicious shake or blend it with fruit to make a smoothie.

One serve of MamaCare Premium Pregnancy Supplement provides a good source of Folic Acid, Iodine, and Protein, and also contains a moderate dose of Iron.

This competition is open to planning to conceive mums, mums-to-be, and mums who are currently breastfeeding*




Please note this competition is open from 18th January 2021 until 15th February 2021 and is only available to members of Mouths Of Mums. This competition is a game of skill – answer in 50 words or less. We are unable to accept entries posted via Facebook. Facebook LIKE functionality is not a requirement of entry to this competition. The winners of this competition will be published on this page. Winners’ names and addresses will be provided to the promoter of this competition and prizes will be sent to the address you have in Your Profile. Please ensure your details are up to date so that you receive your prize.

Winners for this competition

  1. L. PannunzioSA
  2. J. MenziesVIC
  3. S. FarthingVIC
  4. M. MirabitoQLD
  5. J. ButtigiegVIC
  6. O. BreeNSW
  7. H. BoardleyWA
  8. L. BigmoreQLD
  9. C. SandhamQLD
  10. C. KimNSW
  • The best and honest advice I’d give to a new mum would be that housework can wait. No one will mind if you haven’t dusted. If you’re tired, sleep when you can. If you’re sad, cry it out and if you’re overwhelmed, know that the hard times will pass.

  • Take help when it is offered it will make life easier

  • Trust your instincts and go with tour own intuition.

  • Time is going to be the biggest struggle, you’ll be late for everything but don’t stress time can wait and enjoy the moment.

  • Enjoy every second of the first 12 months with bub, dont stress about cleaning just cuddle and snuggle and love that bub with all you’ve got, because before you know it they’ll be a cheeky little toddler and you will wish you’d spent more time just breathing them in ????

  • Don’t be too proud to ask for help.

  • I encourage anyone who has had a bubba to be brave and make mum friends. There is nothing like finding your tribe to hang with as your tiny humans grow. Being a mum is hard, so having a support network of people is so important.

  • Ask for help when you need it being a mum is harder than we think. Also try find some time for yourself to rest or do what you like. Don’t be scared to tell people not to touch/kiss your baby.

  • Oooo tough one! So much advice to be given! My best piece of advice would be take probiotics!!! As soon as bubs it out, start those probiotics to pass onto bubs via milk! Will help keep them strong and healthy and build up that good gut bacteria to help break down that milk!

  • To listen to your heart and your own mumma bear instincts! There is soooooo much conflicting advice out there so you just trust yourself mumma! I have embryo transfer next week as a surrogate so these Mamacare Supplements would be amazing! 🙂

  • Don’t let any book or person tell you what is right or wrong. Believe in your decision. Your child will turn up okay.

  • Listen to yourself. Take all the photos. Smell the tops of your babies heads. Drink it all in.

  • The best and honest advice I can give to a new Mum are be nice and gentle to yourself and your little ones. We all go through a lot of ups and down bit always think that you are doing your best. Never compare yourself to anyone. We are all unique in a very special way. Give yourself a break from time to time. Heaps of Mums suffer depression and I can say Im one who go through on tough times. Its good to give yourself a time to pamper. Always ask for help if you needed one. Some people doesn’t know what we feel until we say it. And lastly, enjoy every moment with your little ones. Time goes quick.

  • Be prepared for sleepless nights, during pregnancy and after, not every pregnancy is the same.

  • Relax and take time out for yourself when you are slightly overwhelmed .

  • Look after yourself eat healthy and drink plenty of water, try not to stress about anything as everyone is different and most importantly try and enjoy every little moment as they are precious memories to keep.

  • Dont sweat the small stuff, focus on and look after yourself and bub. The housework can wait, friends and family can wait, prioritise you and bub

  • The best advice that was given to me was to listen to everything that anyone wants to tell you then ignore everything that won’t work for you. We are all different and you alone is what is best for your baby. You are doing a fantastic job, keep it up.

  • The most honest advice I give is trust yourself and trust your gut. A mum knows their child/children better than anyone else in the world. And to never underestimate how well you do as a mum, especially on the hard days! Kids simply need love, protection, food & sleep.

  • I would tell the mama-to-be the reality of night feeds so it won’t be such a shock to her as it was for me. I really wish seasoned-mamas would have told me that I’d be up every three hours feeding my newborn so I could have mentally prepared.

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