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OK MoMmies, this prize pack is for you!

10 lucky winners will receive an Ambi Pur Allergen Reducer prize pack valued at over $50 including:

  • 1 x Ambi Pur Allergen Reducer Febreze Fabric Refresher – Pure Refreshment
  • 1 x Ambi Pur Allergen Reducer Air Effects – Gentle
  • 1 x Ambi Pur Electrical Plug In
  • 1 x Ambi Pur Car Mini
  • 1 x Ambi Pur Toilet Flush
  • 2 x Ambi Pur Candle

It’s easy to overlook the allergens that lurk in most homes, as allergen particles are too small to be seen with the naked eye.

According to new research, the doona is the biggest allergen hotspot in the Aussie home[1]. Often, allergens are carried into the home by family members, fresh air and pets, and a normal cleaning routine is not enough to prevent them from becoming airborne.

Luckily the new Ambi Pur Allergen Reducer Febreze Fabric Refresher helps to clean the air you breathe by reducing up to 95% of inanimate allergens that can become airborne from fabrics in the home[2] and provides additional benefits that a normal cleaning routine cannot. In celebration of the NEW breakthrough Ambi Pur Allergen Reducer range – also available in Air Effects, Mouths of Mums is giving you the chance to WIN a special home care prize pack valued at $51.83 each.

Take the Ambi Pur home allergen test at www.facebook.com/ambipurANZ to find out if your home is at risk and what to do to protect your family from the harmful effects of allergens so you can all breathe happy!


[1] The study was conducted by Bell Laboratories on behalf of Ambi Pur in the living rooms and bedrooms of seven Australian homes in Melbourne and Sydney. Seven different types of furnishings were tested in each home. Fieldwork took place between 16th and 17th April 2014
[1] Refers to inanimate allergens like pet dander, dust mite matter and pollen from birch tree, timothy grass and ragweed that can become airborne from fabrics in the home
[1] The study was conducted by Bell Laboratories on behalf of Ambi Pur in the living rooms and bedrooms of seven Australian homes in Melbourne and Sydney. Seven different types of furnishings were tested in each home. Fieldwork took place between 16th and 17th April 2014
[2] Refers to inanimate allergens like pet dander, dust mite matter and pollen from birch tree, timothy grass and ragweed that can become airborne from fabrics in the home

Please note this competition is open from 10th June 2014 until 10th July 2014 and is only available to members of Mouths Of Mums. We are unable to accept entries posted via facebook. The winners of this competition will be published on this page. Winners’ name and address will be provided to the promoter of this competition and prizes will be sent to the address you have in Your Profile. Please ensure your details are up to date so that you receive your prize.

Winners for this competition

  2. P. GNSW
  4. K. RodriguesWA
  5. S. ChristieSA
  6. L. ReinhardACT
  7. T. AndreattaNSW
  8. S. AliNSW
  9. C. StoneQLD
  10. M. MundyVIC

  • I’m so surprised it’s the doona! To think it’s drawn up around our faces all night! I would love this prize as I have been noticing tiny dust particles floating around in my bedroom and I’m thinking it could be contributing to my husband’s asthma.

  • The doona is the biggest allergen hotspot in the home. I would love to have this prize because my husband suffers from dust allergy. Thanks for the opportunity!

  • I’m so surprised it’s the doona! To think it’s drawn up around our faces all night! I would love this prize as I have been noticing tiny dust particles floating around in my bedroom and I’m thinking it could be contributing to my husband’s asthma.

  • So, the doona is the culprit hey! Given the cat sleeps/sheds on the bed and hubby farts in it, not surprised really. Help me please from my Stinky furry bed!

  • Disgusting doona is the culprit,
    With nasties lurking near.
    With Ambi Pur Allergen Reducer,
    Effective help is near!
    Help me with the allergen hotspots,
    Save me from the creeps.
    So I can rest easy,
    While my little family sleeps!

  • the Doona, would love this prize to have a clean fresh smelling house, knowing i was also reducing the allergens would be fantastic, as a mum and wife who also looks after my own mum,i wash the doona’s as often as i can but the febreeze sounds great.

  • The ubiquitous doona has been identified as the biggest allergen hotspot. I’d love this prize as 3 of our 4 children and my husband always suffer from tiredness and stuffy noses caused by allergens so this Ambi Pur pack would affect their moods positively!

  • the doona has been identified as the biggest allergen hotspot in the home.
    With sensitive noses and sinuses this would be a great prize for our home, especially with the cooler months too!

  • The doona is the biggest allergen hotspot,
    From the big stains to the minuscule dots.
    Dead skin and loose hair,
    The germs are absolutely everywhere!
    A clean house is what I aim for,
    The Ambi-Pur prize would help me out for sure!

  • the doona has been identified, that dosen’t surprise me seeing as we are in the bed fo r8 or more hours. it would be good to win so i could spray our doona as well as the kids

  • Carpets, sofas, computers, televisions and remote controls,pillows beds and bed covers, tables, throw rugs and mostly doors as well as the play room furnishings and telephones are the allergen hotspot.

    My daughter suffers from eczema and i feel i need to protect her this winter.

  • the doona is the biggest hotspot for allergens. I would love to win this so my house will be clean and fresh.

  • The biggest allergen hotspot in the home is the duna. I have 3 teenagers, 2 dogs, 4 cats and a husband that smokes. Winning this prize would certainly help keep the house smelling fresh each day, with simplicity and ease, instead of the long tedious routine I go through.

  • the doona has been identified as the worst allegen hot spot, as well as household furniture, under your bed… when my cat was still with me as I am an asthma I am allergic to a lot of dust and cat fur, this sounds ideal for me

  • The doona has been identified as the biggest allergen hotspot. As a severe allergy sufferer in addition to two other people in my home having severe allergies this product could make a significant difference to out well being and quality of day to day life.

  • We have cats! Cats and carpet create allergen hotspots.. This prize would be very welcome in our home!

  • Our bedrooms I would love to give my kids an allergen free room so they can get a full nights rest

  • My lounge room is the one room that gets used the most by everyone coming and going. I see little dust particles floating in the air that makes me think just how much dust we are inhaling everyday.

  • The doona. My family suffers from hay fever and allergies plus we love beautiful smells!

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