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3 lucky winners will receive lifetime access to Take 2: return to work with confidence.

 Are you prepared to return to work?

Returning to work is daunting. There’s a lot to organise.

You need to know your entitlements, find out if flexible hours are possible, and work out how to negotiate a flexible arrangement.

It’s easy to think that everyone else manages, but they often don’t let on how stressful it really is!

Take 2 is for women who want to return to work calm, confident and organised. It’s a practical, step by step program that covers everything you need to know, and nothing extra.

The course is designed with busy Mums in mind, with modules broken into 10-15 minute sections.

For all the details, including a full course breakdown, visit: http://changemylane.com/take-2-return-to-work

To access Module 1: What you Must know about childcare, for free, visit: http://changemylane.com/free-vid/

You can also grab an Essential Working Parents pack by visiting: http://changemylane.com/free-updates/

Please note this competition is open from 20th June 2014 until 14th July 2014 and is only available to members of Mouths Of Mums. We are unable to accept entries posted via facebook. Facebook LIKE functionality is not a requirement of entry to this competition. The winners of this competition will be published on this page. Winners’ name and address will be provided to the promoter of this competition and prizes will be sent to the address you have in Your Profile. Please ensure your details are up to date so that you receive your prize.

Winners for this competition

  1. M. JonesWA
  2. N. SchubelQLD
  3. B. McArdleSA
  • my kids going into care it scares me

  • I am terrified of returning to work for so many reasons. I’ve been a stay-at-home mom since I was carrying my first, more than eight years ago. I tried to do a part time job before I was even pregnant with my second and my husband was calling me at work with all kinds of stupid crap problems. Then I worry about the kids themselves. Then the problem of too long out of work and basic human contact LOL! Basically, I’ll take all the help I can get 🙂 Thank you!

  • Not fitting in.

  • managing working when kids are sick or have appointments

  • Running out of coffee at home I dont have to share!

  • The biggest worry for me is getting my confidence back. Being an emotionally driven person who also battles anxiety, I know that once I can tackle this worry, things should start to fall into place

  • its not a fear its reality.I have lost the position I love the most due to not being able to work what they want…Then having your boss tell you that a mum should stay at home with the kids. and not work.I think a new career is needed!

  • It’s beening able to fit back into the work force and knowing that I can do it

  • Age and less chance of employment with higher pay rates being overlooked as a negative

  • Leaving my child, if im ready or not, the pay

  • Getting to the interview stage is the hardest task because:competing against many other applications (at times being one of 70 applications) because often it hard to know the views and opinions of different employers as they appear to vary from to another., even if the criteria questions are the same for similar positions.

  • Reaction of my son when I leave him with someone else to take responsibility for my child

  • Balancing life – doing it all; not being able to do it; baby getting sick and anxiety about over thinking everything.

  • not getting past the interview

  • Time management, Having enough quality time with my children

  • managing my time wisely

  • I worry about my work life balance

  • I worry that I will not have enough skill to work along with the new generation, just out of college kids

  • It has been many years since I have been on reception and yes I know that computer programs have changed but the problem is I am not as up to date with the new technology as other people are that would be applying for the same position. I feel irrelevant.

  • I have been out of the workforce for over a year, i’m 51, live in a very rural area, 40 mins from civilisation, so am really struggling with having to find myself in a work environment again. I am not a very confident person at the best of times, so feel this course may help me to gain some of that lost confidence back and feel better about putting myself out there to potential employers.

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