
709 Entries

5 very lucky winners will receive a Minimonkey 4 in 1 Baby carrier valued at $ 129.90!

Minimonkey is introducing the baby carrier that bears the weight on the hip, back and abdomen, instead of relying on the shoulders! This amazing innovative carrier can be used for newborns up and until 3 years old (max 18kg) in 4 different positions (frog position, facing outwards, belly to belly and on your back). It is user friendly, ergonomic, safe and above all a carrier that makes the child extremely light to carry. No newborn insert necessary!

Just try it – and feel the difference!For more information please visit: www.kiekaboo.com.au

Winners for this competition

  1. K. DunnNSW
  2. E. SanfeadQLD
  3. G. HartwellVIC
  4. D. TaylorQLD
  5. J. PetrickNT
  • who wouldn’t they are simply fabulous !

  • i would love to be able to have my baby close to me. i hate battling the crowds with a pram.

  • A carrier that we can use with our 13kg and 15kg girls who always want to be carried – perfect – yes please

  • I\’d like to win because I\’ll be able to use this to carry my little one for the next 3 years!

  • I would love this, not for myself but for my friend. She’s doing it tough, car off the road and the baby plus toddler in tow. Would love to surprise her with this!

  • My little monkey loves to snuggle,
    A carrier helps him have more cuddles
    Whilst keeping my hands free,
    For cooking, cleaning or a shopping spree!

  • Carrying bub seems like an art,
    But this Minimonkey carrier is smart.
    Keeps them close and secure,
    But being hands-free is the main lure!

  • I would like to win this to ease my neck and shoulders’ tensions due to my non-Minimonkey baby carrier and to hold my baby close

  • For my cousin who after several years of trying, is due with her first bub in November!

  • I will be a mummy of four this september this would be so helpful when shopping and dropping girl’s at school also reading at school .THANKYOU

  • I believe baby carrying is the best way to have a happy, content baby, and a good carrier is a essential for mum and bub

  • As our first baby had late diagnosis of hip dysplasia. With number 2 due soon the Mini monkey helps reduce the risk

  • because it looks like a comfy and convenient way to carry your child

  • It would be so cute to see my big monkey carrying our little baby monkey!

  • I would so love one of these baby carriers, having one of these carriers would ensure my bub gets the closeness and cuddles she craves but also allow me the get the shopping done, housework and hey maybe some excersie! At the moment the only thing getting done is the cuddles 🙂 fridge is bare house bit of a disaster!

  • A Minimonkey Baby Carrier will allow me to be hands free and have my little one close.

  • Studies show that babies have less stress and are more at ease when they are are in baby carriers. This would help me settle an uncomfortable baby and have the ease of protection, comfort and warmth for the bub.

  • A great way to carry my little monkey, who wont stay still, who doesn’t want to be in the pram, but held by me, making my arms sore

  • A Minimonkey baby carrier would be perfect to keep my baby safe and secure and i wouldn’t have to worry about a bulky pram 🙂

  • So my little monkey feels safe and snug with Mum at all times!

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