
697 Entries

Ergobaby and MoM have teamed up again to bring you another chance to WIN some of their amazing products.

Eight lucky winners will receive an Ergobaby Swaddler set (includes two swaddlers) valued at $69.00.

Ergobaby Swaddler – Sweet dreams for you and your baby

By two years of age, a child will have spent more time asleep than awake. A healthy amount of sleep is essential for babies as it directly impacts their mental and physical development, as well as happiness. The practice of swaddling has been used for centuries in many different cultures as it recreates a womb-like environment and produces a calming and soothing effect. Research demonstrates that when swaddled correctly, babies are safer since they are more likely to stay asleep on their backs. Swaddling also keeps your little one in REM sleep (the most restorative, deepest sleep) for longer periods of time…so you can enjoy more sleep too!

The Ergobaby Swaddler is an innovative, ergonomic design that combines several unique features to ensure your baby sleeps safely and soundly. The Ergobaby Swaddler is the only swaddler to feature a patent-pending Healthy Hip Positioner which helps keep baby’s hips in an ergonomically correct ‘frog-leg’ position, as recommended by the International Hip Dysplasia Institute.

The design features a unique ‘removable leg pouch’ which allows for quick and easy nappy changes and use with harness systems commonly found in swings and bouncers. The Ergobaby Swaddler is an all-season sleep solution – simply leave baby’s legs outside the pouch to ensure peaceful sleep in hot weather.

Packaged in pairs and available in two sizes, the Ergobaby Swaddler is made of soft and breathable 100% cotton terry knit, that stretches with any movement and helps regulate baby’s body temperature for maximum comfort.

Check out ‘Sleep Magic’ in the Ergobaby Swaddler video –

Dr Howard Chilton, leading neo-natal paediatrician praises the Ergobaby Swaddler…

Read Dr Howard Chilton’s full review.

Further product specifications are available here.

Please note this competition is open from 1st June 2014 until 30th June 2014 and is only available to members of Mouths Of Mums. We are unable to accept entries posted via facebook. The winners of this competition will be published on this page. Winners’ name and address will be provided to the promoter of this competition and prizes will be sent to the address you have in Your Profile. Please ensure your details are up to date so that you receive your prize.

Winners for this competition

  1. G. TurkichACT
  2. K. LeongNSW
  3. N. WilliamsSA
  4. J. BuckleyNSW
  5. R. WalkerNSW
  6. K. HutchinsonQLD
  7. A. PintabonaNSW
  8. C. SotutuQLD
  • I believe the swaddler makes the baby feel much more comfortable. I would like to win so that my baby can enjoy the best comfort while sleeping.

  • Ergobaby swaddler will keep my baby calm, content, conformable, cosy, and cuddled. He will sleep soundly, and this mumma will feel at ease, knowing he is encapsulated in such a wondrous swaddler

  • I would love to try the ergo baby swaddler to see if I can make a better attempt at forming a sleeping routine for my second baby due in 3 weeks. We still struggle with our first who is now 3 and after 2 stays in a sleep training clinic we are still at a loss. I would love to win one to give it a try before I purchase a pack. I am hoping second time around I will be better and stronger at this sleeping thing!

  • I swaddle my son traditional way but he manages to take his arms out. At 4 months old he still startles in the sleep which wakes him up. I think THE ERGOBABY SWADDLER will keep him to get sound sleep without getting him up. It would be great to win this for me & my baby. Thanks.

  • Just found out I\’m to be a grandma. As a first present it would be a great idea and most certainly unique.

  • I would love to win this swaddler for my sister-in-law Bonnie who is due with her second child in a few months 🙂 This swaddler would help her bub sleep longer by making them feel secure in the \’womb-like environment\’, keeping them warm and comfortable too. I\’d love to give baby and Bonnie the gift of sleep!

  • Keeping bub tightly, but comfortably wrapped would help him transition through sleep cycles, which funnily enough, would also let me transition through mine…..or maybe even just complete one! Sleeping baby = happy mummy!

  • it is warm and comf just like a hug from mum

  • It will keep bubby warm and cosy and help mum get more sleep

  • I would love to win this for my friend who us due to have her bub in a few months

  • Ergobaby would help my baby feel snuggly and safe like they were in a cocoon. My baby very colicky and sure this would really help.

  • This would be so good for my grandsons when they stayed here or even if I give it to one of my daughters to help her little one sleep soundly so they can sleep too.

  • I’d like to win the Ergobaby swaddler for my son’s gf who is due in a few months.

  • I think that because the baby is literally wrapped up, like when carried by mums, that it certainly would produce a great sleeping child.

  • With a little very soon to arrive I would love to win this prize. Knowing my little one would be snug and warm just like she was being cuddled all night im sure would keep her happy and in comfort. And for the ability for quick nappy changes without having to wake her up and move her around especially in the middle of the night is a big plus for me.

  • it looks very cosy and warm.. and easyto use

  • I’M waiting for the second baby now and had bad experience with the first one because of his bad sleeping. I’m this swaddle can save me from my sleepless nights and help in my newborn baby sleeping as nothing will bother her anymore and she will all the time feel herself in comfort, warmth and protected.

  • with a bub that wont sleep unless he is wrapped but keeps unwrapping himself this would help both bub and me get a good nights sleep

  • My little girl has trouble sleeping, she has a normal startle reflex but she loves escaping from a traditional wrap. This makes sleep a big problem in our house. I’ve heard such great things about Ergobaby but I just can’t afford it. This would make my life bearable again

  • my daughter is due to have her first baby in January and this would be so much easier to swaddle the baby than to use blankets. I am sure this product will be very handy to have and anyone will be able to swaddle the baby including her brothers and sister.

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