
622 Entries

Healthy living is something most of us Mums struggle with on a daily basis, and through winter it is especially hard, so Mouths Of Mums and our friends at Philips want to make it easier for you by giving 10 lucky Mums the opportunity to win a Philips QuickClean Juicer!

Delivering maximum juice with minimum fuss, the QuickClean Juicer features a revolutionary extraction system, which delivers up to 10% more juice and best of all the clean-up only takes a minute. At the heart of the QuickClean Juicer is the innovative juice extraction system with upside down sieve that delivers up to 10% more juice*, meaning more healthy goodness in every glass. Catering to Australians’ busy lifestyles, the QuickClean Juicer can be cleaned within a minute, taking the biggest hassle out of making fresh juice.

The inverted electro-polished sieve ensures that fibers from fruits and vegetables do not get stuck easily in the mesh, making it simple to clean even with a normal sponge. It also features an extra-large 80mm feeding tube that allows for the use of large fruits and vegetables, removing the hassle of having to pre-cut items before juicing. Juicer jug and recipe booklet full of inspiring recipes are also included.

*Compared to Philips’ number one juicer HR1861
RRP $179.95

For your opportunity to win 1 of these amazing juicers, use the comment form below and tell us: what is your tip for staying healthy over winter?

Please note this competition is open from 3rd July until 24th July and is only available to members of Mouths Of Mums. We are unable to accept entries posted via facebook.
  • I don’t stay indoors just because its cold,
    I get out there and I Power Walk..
    Eat healthy food and drink lots of water,
    So you can walk the walk, and not just talk the talk. 🙂

  • My trick to staying healthy over the winter is to stay warm and eat more vegies!

  • I stay healthy by taking bub for walks and playing touch football. Eat lots of fruit and veggies

  • I love to make warm hearty soups and stews, filled with fresh vegetables, plenty of garlic, chilli and ginger to keep the germs away.

  • Drinking carrot, apple, orange, beetroot and ginger juice whilst getting a brisk walk where possible and of course lots of positive thinking!

  • Take the opportunity to indulge in casseroles & soups. Not only do they make you feel warm & cosy but it’s also a great way of hiding a huge array of vegetables to boost everyone’s immune system.

  • Keep body hydrated with water and juices and exercise

  • We walk. WALK WALK WALK wherever we can.
    Also, no matter what, I start my day with a vegie omlette. A healthy vegie ginger juice would be a healthy addition if I had this juicer.

  • We like to try new activities in Winter. As the children get older we have challenge ourselves with new adventures. We have been up to the snow to toboggan, walks along the beaches and built fires so we can all toast marshmellows together. It has been alot of fun as we don’t have to stay cooped up in the house all day. The kids are still getting exercise through the Winter.

  • To stay healthy over winter, join the icebergers each morning, you are guaranteed to feel ‘Philliptastic’.

  • Avoid people coughing and spluttering without covering their mouths where possible, eat and drink fruits and vegetables that are high in Vitamin C, take garlic, wear clothes appropriate to the season and hug someone everyday. If you are happier you are healthier

  • Lots of water to keep skin hydrated,vegetable based soups are healthy,filling and keep you satisfied without too many weight gaining heavy foods.

  • Washing your hands and keeping disinfectant spray handy, don’t want to catch another’s cold… want to stay fine and dandy. Of course eat your veggies to keep your immune system fighting strong, but not catching germs in the first place will help us get along.

  • I need to actually remember to get off my bum and exercise at least 4 times a week

    See more GREENS to sway away those WINTER BLUES.
    MAXIMUM of veggies and juices,MINIMUM of junk food and take aways
    FRESH AND CLEAN air everyday with QUICK walk
    Doesn’t seem like a big task,when you are aiming for fitness and warmth.
    Grandmas chicken soup,yummy and nothing can beat that for sure
    when it comes to fighting cold and fever
    Keeping those germs at bay,is no more a dream now!

  • Lots and lots of healthy vegetable soups and casseroles cooked in the slow cooker, keeps us healthy its very nutritious.

  • Get a flu shot! It’s a simple and effective way to minimise the risk of the flu during winter!

  • Homemade soup, hot lemonade, and lots of raw garlic (yummy on toast or in a bowl of greek yoghurt). Keeps us healthy all winter long.

  • Plenty of HOT cups of LEMON, GREEN and FRUIT TEAS!!

    Much more Healthier and Refreshing to HOT CHOCOLATES

  • Multivitamins plus a healthy diet and little light exercise.
    Oh yeah and ditch the kids (only joking)….they bring all the germs home from school!

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