
383 Entries

Mouths of Mums are delighted to give your family the chance to WIN 1 of 15 DVD packs of LEGO® Friends

Valued at 29.90 each your daughter is bound to love this prize, which includes;

  • 1 x LEGO® Friends: New Girl in Town
  • 1 x LEGO® Friends: Volume 2 – Stephanie’s Surprise Party

The LEGO® Friends return to the small screen this September in a fun journey of friendship, secrets and everybody’s favourite celebration – birthdays!

When the LEGO® Friends girls – Emma, Olivia, Andrea and Mia – plan a surprise party for Stephanie’s birthday, they soon discover that it’s not easy keeping their plans a secret, and Stephanie becomes suspicious when none of the girls have time to hang out. It’s a race against time as the girls try to make Stephanie’s birthday a surprise success!

To celebrate the release of LEGO® Friends: Volume 2 – Stephanie’s Surprise Party, available on DVD from September 19, Universal Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Australia is giving you the chance to win 1 of 15 LEGO® Friends prize packs including Volume 1 and 2 on DVD.

For your chance to WIN…

‘LIKE’ Mouths of Mums on Facebook here,

and then tell us below in 25 words or less what was your favourite birthday celebration?

Winners for this competition

  1. N. BentonQLD
  2. T. TanVIC
  3. J. MarieQLD
  4. K. BrowellVIC
  5. F. PatersonNSW
  6. J. DixonVIC
  7. S. VaggQLD
  8. K. JamesNSW
  9. E. AndersonQLD
  10. T. BrownNSW
  11. N. CashionVIC
  12. S. SnowdenQLD
  13. E. CosterQLD
  14. T. ArgentNSW
  15. K. LoreggiaNSW
  • would love to have a chance to win this for my niece she has 1 movies and love it takes it ever where with her her mother can not afford to buy this so we all have to be in it to win it good luck every one this wood make one happy little girl

  • I loved my 8th birthday slumber party. We had crazy hair styles, using coloured hairspray. Danced to 80s songs on my cassette player.

  • my 3rd birthday was awsome

  • For my daughter’s 2nd birthday I ventured to make an Upsy Daisy cake. I was pleasantly surprised that I could make such a cake and my daughter was thrilled.

  • my daughters first birthday was awesome i had so much fun organising and decorating. nearly 1 yr ago

  • My sons first birthday party loved watching him open all his presents eat his cake and just smile all day 🙂

  • My 6th birthday was very special, the first party I’d ever had, with lots of friends, family, games and cake, it was definitely pretty rad!

  • my 21st was a big party surrounded by so many friends and family. it was a memorable occasion

  • A party on the carriage of a working steam train for my Thomas mad son and his friends – many happy memories were made!

  • my young god daugther would love this. she barbie mad

  • When we hired a huge bouncing castle for all the kids to climb on and jump in.

  • When you have that special Birthday Cake baked by Mum, and you get to blow out the candles. (No one else).

  • It used to be about the presents but as you get older things change and now i love when im surrounded by loved ones!

  • My fave was having my birthday at school. I got heaps of presents and we played games all day

  • My favourite birthday celebrations are the ones where I’m surrounded by friends and family, it doesn’t matter where we are, I feel loved.

  • It would have to be my daughter first birthday! So much love, pride and excitement!

  • The one I met my (now) husband at!

  • My parents gave me a surprise party when I was 12. I came to my tears from overjoyed when I saw stacks of gifts <3

  • My daughters 6th birthday rainbow party. Beautiful colours and an awesome 6 layer rainbow cake. We had a blast 😀

  • When I was 21.
    We had so much fun
    My friends gave my room a cow print suprise renovation.
    Without an invitation!

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