
507 Entries

We are thrilled to be giving all our wonderful members the chance to WIN 1 of 2 Philips Avent 4 in 1 Sterilisers.

2 lucky mums will receive a Philips Avent 4 in 1 Steriliser valued at $169.95 which includes integrated dishwasher basket for hassle free pre-cleaning of bottles and accessories.

As if parents didn’t have enough to do! Sterilising baby’s feeding equipment is one of those little jobs there is no getting away from.

Philips Avent uses the hospital method of steam sterilisation that is quick and effective, killing 99.9% of harmful germs[1], without the use of any chemicals.

The Philips Avent 4 in 1 Steam Steriliser has been designed to make sterilising as simple as possible, sterilising up to 6 bottles in as little as 6 minutes!

This intuitive steriliser features an automatic shut-off for extra safety and less energy consumption, while the advanced display keeps you informed and lets you know when the bottles have cooled down.

Whether you want speed or flexibility, there is a steriliser in our range to suit your needs.


For more information, click here

[1] Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus agalactiae, Cronobacter sakazzakii, Salmonella enterica, Listeria monocytogenes. The test results are provided by an independent test lab.

Please note this competition is open from 2nd June 2015 until 2nd July 2015 and is only available to members of Mouths Of Mums. We are unable to accept entries posted via facebook. Facebook LIKE functionality is not a requirement of entry to this competition. The winners of this competition will be published on this page. Winners’ name and address will be provided to the promoter of this competition and prizes will be sent to the address you have in Your Profile. Please ensure your details are up to date so that you receive your prize.

Winners for this competition

  1. S. HallenanNSW
  2. N. WalkerVIC
  • i’ll be a new mom in December. This steriliser will make my life easier by actually having one… what’s a steriliser again?

  • First time mum here: I use avent bottles and dummies, it was recommended to me by a fellow mother and I Swear by the product and will recommend to others but why would the steriliser make by life easier, because I currently have a small tub steriliser that just fits in my microwave, most nights I have to sterilize in batches which takes me a good 20 mins and to top it off my microwave looks like packing it in soon because its not used to the work load that it has had to do the last 6 months. Having the Philips avent steriliser will give me a chance to fit a nice relaxing cup of tea before bed, due to only taking half the time to sterilize

  • Like this for my daughter for when she has kids.

  • The Philips Avent 4 in1 Steriliser will make life easier for me because I’m sick of having to boil water for my son’s bottles!

  • It will be easy to both of us to make sure our little bundle is healthy and taken care of. It will mean that we can sterilise at the end of the day and have the next day already prepared.

  • My brother & his wife are about to have their first child and I’d love for them to have the peace of mind and hassle free experience I had with my kids with my Avent Steriliser. I cannot say a bad thing about Avent. It was a quality product I counted on.

  • My sister with a newborn would be able to spend more time relishing those early baby weeks while AVENT takes care of the hard work!

  • I have an 8 week old who screams most of the day with severe reflux and colic. Being able to sterilise my Avent breast pump and her Avent bottles easily and fast with the Philips Avent 4 in 1 steriliser will reduce my stress and prevent any bacteria from hurting her delicate gut.

  • It will certainly make life easier for my BFF who is about to have her first baby in September. She has not started buying things yet so she will be so excited for me to gift her this. She can feel safe and confident that all bubs bottles and bits are sterilised and clean.

  • it will save me time meaning more time with my precious one but most importantly I know my little bundle will be using safe germ free products

  • I love my Philips Avent bottles, storage containers and electric breast pump (which your last competition inspired me to buy). The 4 in 1 steriliser will save me from handwashing all bubs bottles and then sterilising on the stove.

  • My life would be much easier as I wont have to spend time phyically boiling my baby bottles in a pot of water , I know and trust Phillips brand and know my bottles will be well sterilised

  • The Philips Avent 4 in 1 Steriliser will make my life easier with the fast cleaning giving me more time to cuddle my baby.

  • being able to strelise all the bottles in one, with the handy dishwasher attatchment will save time. not to mention you can take apart and only do a small compartment so very versitale

  • It will certainly make life easier for my niece because she will be having her second baby in five weeks!,

  • Returning to work with bub still breast feeding, the Philips steriliser will make the transition of needing to give bottles of expressed milk so much easier.

  • I have an old steriliser from my sister but it is really big and has to be put away when not in use so that I have room to prepare food etc. it is constantly being put in and out of the cupboard. This one would be great since it is so compact.

  • By ensuring my children have clean preped bottles

  • Sterilise and sanitise now I realise all the preparation and time needed to organise baby feeding! Avent to the rescue as i can do 6 minutes of tummy time with baby while phillips 4 in 1 steriliser does the cleaning and steaming!!

  • The Philips Avent will be like having an extra pair of hand helping me sanitise my baby’s bottles, assurance in hygienic and easy to use for the every day mum.

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