
456 Entries

3 lucky winners will receive a Navman MY650LMMT GPS device valued at $199!

Navman GPS has teamed up with leading driver training school Safe Drive Training Australia for a How to Teach Your Kids to Drive webinar on Wednesday 22 June 2016 from 7.30pm to 8.15pm (AEST time).

Gain the confidence you need to teach your kids to drive with easy steps to make teaching as stress free as possible. Did you know that 97% of parents wouldn’t be able to pass the learner driver’s knowledge test? Arm yourself with the right techniques to give you child the best advice to keep the safe and be a good driver.

In just 45 minutes, you will learn:

  • Simple preparation steps that will make a big difference
  • Top tips to simplify and teach complex driving moves
  • Safety first! Basics to keep you both safe on the road
  • What not to do when teaching someone to drive
  • How to keep kids safe after they get their license

You will have the chance to ask any questions you have about teaching your kid to drive.


When: Wednesday 22 June 2016 from 7.30pm to 8.15pm (AEST time)

Presenter:  Joel Neilsen, Managing Director of leading driver training school Safe Drive Training Australia

Cost: Free

Length: 45 minutes

Click here to REGISTER NOW!



Navman have decided to giveaway three of their top-of-the-range MY Series product the MY650LMMT.

This GPS has been designed to arm drivers with information about traffic conditions, locations of safety cameras, speed limits and changes in road conditions like merging lanes.

The Landmark Guidance features also takes navigation to a whole new level with directions based on what the driver sees outside their windscreen, using building names, brand names or building colours to direct you.

Additional features include free lifetime monthly map updates at no additional cost. Another great new feature is the Zomato Restaurant Guide which adds 40,000 restaurant listings in Australia across 20 cities at the drivers fingertips.

Winners for this competition

  1. J. LegimanVIC
  2. S. UnderhillNSW
  3. H. EmiliaQLD
  • SAFETY is Numero Uno! I’m concerned about my kid’s constant distraction with getting social on their ‘smart’ gadgets. I wish they can be SMART about their safety instead!

  • Hopefully they will listen and take on board everything you teach them, safety first.

  • Setting a good example, always remember they are watching you at all times, good habits last a lifetime.

  • That when driving you need to concentrate, to treat other road users as if you were meeting them in person and treat them like you would like to be treated. To always travel at the correct speed and always use your indicators correctly and to know the road rules.

  • What they get up to when they’re not there to supervise after they get their licence

  • Some kids aren’t open to the fact they are basically apprentices, and even though they are “on the job” there is still a lot to learn. Not accepting this causes a false sense of security and is alarming to parents!

  • Inattention on the road definitely, kids are constantly looking around and doing things checking their reflection in the mirror lol

  • As a parent, you are close to your children. In some cases too close and you may be critical of their driving, causing tension and making it difficult for them to concentrate. You also may unwittingly pass on your bad driving habits. Best to get a professional.

  • There safety and how they will react when there with there fellow peers

  • Trying to teach kids to avoid being distracted with anything that’s happening outside the vehicle. It’s very easy for them to become distracted by interesting things outside, so it’s quite difficult for them to be totally focused on driving all of the time.

  • There safety and how they will react when there’s others in the car with them eg fellow peers

  • Just two words – “Other Drivers” . When other drivers tailgate and hassle a learner driver it terrifies me what they will do with a P Plater who they will consider experienced.

  • my biggest concern is that there are a lot of inpatient people out there that do not have any respect for learner drivers when they are very nervous to begin with

  • The fear of crashing.

  • They speed past, they overtake on double lines, they beep when you stick to the speed limit, they tailgate, they throw their arms up, I have the chance to teach my children, but no chance at the bad drivers around

  • PERSONAL SAFETY would be my biggest concern, both for myself and my child. An inexperienced driver usually a teen who doesnt listen at the best of times thats in control of an oversized bullet. Its really fun not….

  • Their lack of concentration on things,
    Rather than the cost of dings.
    Will they quit their phone?
    It’s hard not to just moan.

  • Being able to drive is one thing, being able to watch and anticipate other drivers decision could save a life or avoid accidents. Building confidence in your children will allow them to take driving to the next level. Scanning the roads is the bestest tool that is no longer taught.

  • that they will get behind the wheel and start to ask cocky and show off to friends and do stupid things and get hurt killed or kill others

  • Their safety, our safety, everyone’s safety!

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