
407 Entries

Spice up the school holidays with some good, old-fashioned family game nights! We have four prize packs each containing some of the most iconic games up for grabs from Hasbro!

Looking for ways to keep members of the family entertained these school holidays? Hasbro is the answer. With games including Connect 4 and Twister as well as family favourite Monopoly. Who will win? Who will be rich?

We believe everybody is a gamer, Hasbro Gaming are the undisputed leader and have been attracting kids, families, and adults for generations. Which game will you play first?

We have four prize packs up for grabs, each containing Connect 4, Monopoly Classic, Monopoly Deal and Twister, valued at $119.96 each.

Please note this competition is open from 9th April 2024 until 5th May 2024 and is only available to members of Mouths Of Mums. This competition is a game of skill – answer in 50 words or less. We are unable to accept entries posted via facebook. Facebook LIKE functionality is not a requirement of entry to this competition. The winners of this competition will be published on this page. Winners’ name and address will be provided to the promoter of this competition and prizes will be sent to the address you have in Your Profile. Please ensure your details are up to date so that you receive your prize.

Winners for this competition

  1. B. TymoszekVIC
  2. D. LawsonSA
  3. K. BakerSA
  4. V. DenchNSW
  • Monopoly! Mr 4 borrowed the Cars2 Monopoly from our toy library and has been loving it. I would be thrilled to introduce him to the original (and best) version of the game!!! Fingers crossed

  • monopoly because it’s such a fun game to play and its a good learning game with dealing with the money and buying property.

  • Twister as it’s fun and always brings lots of laughter in the home and with everyone’s life’s so busy especially us mums it’s nice to be able to twist the night away with some fun family time

  • Connect 4, our old one is starting to fall apart. It is an original one from when I was a kid

  • Twister !
    My son has recently stared to get into board games and I know he would just love twister, I think we all wound!!

  • Monopoly Classic! ???? My daughter has played a junior Monopoly but i think its time to introduce her to the OG of MONOPOLY! ????

  • Monopoly! We are a homeschooling family and this would be such a fun way to do some learning about cash, numbers, propertly and just playing fairly and learning rules.

  • I’d love to try Monopoly Dal since I haven’t tried this new version, and being largely dependent on luck, I think it would be great fun for playing with family and friends of varying ages. I believe it is fairly fast moving and lots of fun, so enjoyed by all.

  • Monopoly and Uno… they’re a right of passage in my highly competitive extended family! And winning isn’t everything, but losing is nothing!

  • I would want to play Monopoly most with my family for the several hours of fun to be had

  • I would want to mostly play twisted with my family because that’s the game that will give you the most laughs from your children and that is what life is about hearing your children laughing

  • I would love to win Monopoly to play with my grandchildren and great grandson.

  • My family love playing manopaly as a family on hot summer day and cold winter days.

  • Twister would be a total crack up for our family! With my 4 year old and my 21 week pregnant belly, i can imagine how hilariously un-co we would be!!

  • The family is growing up fast and would be great to get them off their phones.

  • Definitely twister…will keep us warm during winter evenings with some small exercises and…..will fill time with laughter and giggles .

  • I would love to play Twister with my kids as kids nowadays wouldn’t have any idea what it is.

  • Monopoly is an all time family favourite. No better way than to bring out the competitive streak within the family on a cold wintery night. We have played it together since I was a child and brought the fun into my children’s lives. Hopefully we can now introduce it to the new generation

  • Monopoly Classic as its a fun game that is interesting and a family favourite

  • TWISTER – guaranteed to have everyone laughing. And laughing, as we know, is the best medication.

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