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Start the year off mindfully thanks to Morphée! We have four Morphée Sleep & Meditation Devices up for grabs to give you the most restful start to 2023.

Don’t we all just need some time to pause and rest our brains? Morphée returns this new year to help you wind down over summer, encouraging mindfulness and improving sleep hygiene.


Designed in France in collaboration with a team of sleep and sophrology experts, Morphée is a non-digital sleep aid device here to help you fall asleep easily, quickly and deeply. With no apps to download or plugs to connect to your wall, reduce your screen time and start your digital detox.

Morphée contains over 200 guided sessions which explore breathing, movement, visualisations and more, all intended to calm the mind and body to lead to better relaxation and sleep. The elegant design fits right in on your nightstand, ready whenever you need some relaxing me-time.

How Morphée Works

Make yourself comfortable, choose your preferred voice guide (Jessica or Tim), then select your session by simply turning the keys to tailor the theme and duration of your session.

The sessions cover themes including breathing, movement, visualisation, body scans, cardiac coherence, napping and relaxing music and nature sounds, each available in both eight and 20 minute formats. Charged via USB cable, Morphée has a battery life of three hours and 30 minutes – that’s over 10 sessions per charge!


Morphée is suitable for people aged 10 years and above.

Four lucky winners will receive a Morphée Sleep Aid & Meditation Device, valued at $149 each.

Please note this competition is open from 2nd January 2023 until 29th January 2023 and is only available to members of Mouths Of Mums. This competition is a game of skill – answer in 50 words or less. We are unable to accept entries posted via facebook. Facebook LIKE functionality is not a requirement of entry to this competition. The winners of this competition will be published on this page. Winners’ name and address will be provided to the promoter of this competition and prizes will be sent to the address you have in Your Profile. Please ensure your details are up to date so that you receive your prize.

Winners for this competition

  1. N. LochSA
  2. G. AffleckQLD
  3. S. PrabhuVIC
  4. J. NorrisNSW
  • I struggled to fall asleep due to anxiety so this would be amazing

  • I always think I’ll just use my phone to meditate….which then leads to me getting distracted and checking the news and gossip sites. I’m in desperate need of the Morphée Sleep & Meditation Device for my insomnie (yes I love that it’s designed in France)! Tres chic!

  • My mama mate sleeps so light,
    To fix this would be a delight!
    She’s always running on low,
    I’d love her to find her glow.

  • I would love to explore meditation. I have never been game to join a class. This sounds like something super easy to use and enjoy in the privacy of my own bedroom .. with a locked door so the kids leave me alone and annoy their father lol

  • I struggle to sleep, and when I do sleep, I struggle to stay asleep. My mind is racing with 1001 thoughts. I would love to try the Morphee Sleep and Meditation Device, to make my nights a lot less daunting.

  • I have an injury that throbs at night and the device will help induced sleep

  • Struggling to clear my mind of stress and worries, a MORPHEE SLEEP & MEDITATION DEVICE will help me pause and re-set my ‘inner-net’!

  • I need it to wind down and relax after long days of work and children.

  • Since the wife passed three years ago, I have woken up at 1am in the morning as I did to give her medication, I cant get out of the habit and tried medication to no avail, a sleep device would be a big break

  • I’d gift this to my daughter, she loves meditation and relaxation. I am sure she would benefit lovely from this.

  • I have a lot of stress in my life. I’m currently in remission after Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy for NHL. It’s not curable only manageable. Nights are the worst laying in the quiet with my mind racing. The Morphée Sleep & Meditation Device sounds perfect for me!

  • My 2022, downfall mind chatter controlling my waking & sleeping time. 2023! goal to manage the chatter through mediation assisted by this Amazing Morphée device.

  • I have sleep troubles

  • My New Year’s Eve pledge is to make 2023 a year where I take more control of my health. Owning a Morphée Sleep & Meditation Device! would be a great start to upholding my pledge, as my sleeping pattern is terrible and needs work.

  • oh my goodness what a game changer this could be ! i have never seen anything like this before but would love the oppotunity to try !

  • Winding down is so hard to do – between children and a stressful job, when a few moments of peace can be found, I need some help to wind down, relax and sleep. This would be such a wonderful sleep and relaxation device allowing me to meditate in those quiet windows of time.

  • From the ‘Mouths of Mums’ all cry for quality sleep, after slaving away managing home, cooking and kids all week. This brilliant sleep and mediation device by Morphée would be a personal assistant to help me unwind and find inner peace. Without it I’ll remain a sleep deprived grumpy beast!

  • Stress and sadness isn’t nice
    I need URGENT help from this device
    I’m so tired I could weep,
    …. Could Morphee be the answer to my sleep?

  • Being able to fall asleep quickly after a full day of life with the family and kids, and knowing that you have to get up early the next day would be a dream come true

  • I have trouble sleeping due to years of chronic pain. I cant seem to wind down so when I wake up I’m always feeling exhausted.

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