
416 Entries

Mouths of Mums have teamed up with Britax to give you the chance to win Win one of four Steelcraft Beepa 4 in 1 Baby Walkers

The Steelcraft Beepa 4 in 1 Baby Walker can be used in four different ways.

Sit, Jump n’ Play is for babies who can sit unassisted and lets your baby develop strength in their legs with the ‘jump’ function. The footrest can go under your baby’s seat to help them discover the joy of lights and sounds by stepping on the foot buttons.

The Sit n’ Step is also suitable for babies who can sit unassisted and gets them ready to take their first steps by sliding the footrest out of the way for their feet to touch the floor.

Stand n’ Push Along is great if your baby is learning to walk or can walk freely, to convert the Beepa just slide the seat away to give lots of room for your little one to push and wander.

Lights n’ Sounds will keep your little one amused with music and sounds, bright lights will flash when buttons on the steering wheel and footrest are pressed.

The play tray can easily be removed, providing a larger tray for feeding and entertainment. Suitable for babies from approx. 6 months up to 13 kgs and/or 81 cms tall.

Available in Lime and Flamenco colour ways.

For your chance to win, use the comment form below and tell us in 25 words or less why you want to win this for your little one and which colour you would choose!

Please note this competition is open from 10th September 2013 until 10th October 2013 and is only available to members of Mouths Of Mums. We are unable to accept entries posted via facebook. The winners of this competition will be published on this page. Winners’ name and address will be provided to the promoter of this competition and prizes will be sent to the address you have in Your Profile. Please ensure your details are up to date so that you receive your prize.

Winners for this competition

  1. L. PeniVIC
  2. E. GassmannNSW
  3. M. NichollsNSW
  4. C. TrumanQLD
  • This would really help our girl learn to walk, we would choose the lime as its unisex and can then be used for baby No2.

  • Would be very handy to have, while try to cook etc. Green would be my pick.

  • Because I have a 5 & 1/2 month old son who gets bored easily whilst I cook – I’d choose the green one

  • The most stylish baby in town. He loves cars and makes funny car noises so this would be perfect. Lime please!

  • I would like to win this for my six month old son who had a walker that his older brother broke.

  • Our kids love cars, would love to see our youngest bopping around the house in this!

  • A lime beepa would be a fantastic gift for my great nephew, what fun he would have.

  • Lime would be super cool to have its stylish and my little nephew would look so super Cool sitting and playing in this

  • My brother whos young is having twin boys most of there stuff will be handy downs, this would mean the world to them.

  • As an upcoming grandmother I would love my first grandchild to have the best of everything as we don’t know the sex yet Lime please

  • Would love this for my baby, keeps them occupied and safe! I would choose Lime as I am having another boy! Steelcraft, trusted brand.

  • With my 6mo crawling I’d love to contain her for a little longer, plus reduce the chance of tripping when she sneaks up behind me

  • \my 6 month old nephew is visiting us at Christmas this walker would be just the ticket for him

  • With 4 kids and one on the way it would be a great way to keep the little one entertained for 5 mins while i get something done! Love the lime color!

  • I would love the Steelcraft Beepa 4 in 1 Baby Walker in Lime as it is so versatile it would keep them very busy.

  • I would love this for my new grandson. He is 5 months old and it will help him get up and about in no time.

  • I would love to win the Beepa 4 In 1 Babywalker FLAMENCO as it has so many different ways to be used and can be used as my child grows. I think the pink Beepa 4 In 1 Babywalker FLAMENCO would be perfect for my baby girl.

  • He loves his bouncer so this would be perfect.

  • ideal for god daughter,great fun for mum,happy picture times for dad she would like any colour please

  • for my friend who loves to cook, but finds it hard with bub. Sit that in the kitchen and would keep him occupied! Lime 🙂

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