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Five lucky winners will receive a uniquely crafted Twinings 12 Compartment Wooden Tea Chest, 100 pack of refreshing Twinings Morning Tea and handy reusable Twinings Travel Tea Cup to gift to Mum. The beautiful Twinings Tea Chest contains a selection of Twinings Black, Green & Infusion Teas.

Even if you don’t win, Twinings believes every mum deserves to feel special on Mother’s Day. Give mum a gift she can hold onto with a Twinings Travel Tea Cup (RRP $10*), FREE with the purchase of any 2 large packs of Twinings Teas from the 2nd until the 15th May 2018. Only till stocks last and Only at Woolworths. The cup comes in a stylish gift box with space to write a heartfelt message, ready to give to mum on her special day. Full T&Cs at https://twinings.com.au/terms-and-conditions/

Twinings is a proud supporter of ‘Carrie’s Beanies 4 Brain Cancer’ with 10c from the sale of every pack of Twinings Morning Tea going towards finding a cure for brain cancer. That’s sure to make mum feel good knowing she’s making every sip from her Twinings tea cup count towards a great cause.

Please note this competition is open from 4 May 2018 until 15 May 2018 and is only available to members of Mouths Of Mums. This competition is a game of skill – answer in 50 words or less. We are unable to accept entries posted via facebook. Facebook LIKE functionality is not a requirement of entry to this competition. The winners of this competition will be published on this page. Winners’ name and address will be provided to the promoter of this competition and prizes will be sent to the address you have in Your Profile. Please ensure your details are up to date so that you receive your prize.

Winners for this competition

  1. B. BanVIC
  2. D. KinmonthQLD
  3. A. BurnettQLD
  4. M. HavelbergSA
  5. J. LeedingVIC
  • if this still available to win it would be great because I love my mum and she deserves it.

  • Breakfast in bed with her favourite color of rose, and a card made by her grandson.

  • With breakfast in bed and a hot cup of tea rather than the usual leftovers and cold coffee

  • Mum prefers simple things in life, so if I keep low key, there is no strife
    Home made bikkies, a cuppa or two of twinings, boring for some but for her : silver linings!
    Family togetherness is what brings her joy, add a selection of twinings, and boy oh boy!

  • Breakfast in bed is not complete without a cup of twining gracing the tray. Memories are made of these things.

  • I would provide her with many cups of tea in bed so that she had no need to move for the day!

  • We could buy Mum the most expensive gift in the world, but if there’s no card attached, she’s disappointed. I will find the most beautiful card I can, and sign it “All my love.”

  • I Skyped Mum with a cuppa in hand and a cornflake cookie in the other! The same recipe she used when we were kids.

  • Lovely twinnings English breakfast made in a pretty China cup, served in the garden, birds chirping, hot buttery toast to accompany. Only the best for the best

  • I was lucky enough to get a lot from my mum..
    A great sense of humor and nice looking bum
    but the best thing I got was her love of tea!!
    So this mothers day out the back on the deck we’ll be
    sharing a delicious pot of twinnings tea!

  • My Mum & I got up before the kids/Grandkids this Mother’s Day and enjoyed a pot of Twinings Earl Grey and chatted away. It was absolutely perfect <3

  • Starting the day with a cup of Twinings English Breakfast tea and a special cooked breakfast will be a treat for Mum as she is usually up organising everyone else’s.Later a cup of Twinings Earl Grey and some home baking we’d show and tell Mum how special she is.

  • A cup of Twinings and freshly made scones with fresh Strawberry jam and vanilla bean cream is a winner!

  • My Mum has been very sick, I had to rush her to hospital the other day and we just lost our dog on Mothers day, Winning this for my Mum might prep her up a bit and might put a smile on her face and be happy.

  • My mum passed away 2 years ago but I still like to make her feel special by remembering her everyday and on mother’s day lighting a candle next to a picture of hers and having a chat because I know she is still listening

  • every day is a special time and a visit and chat over a cuppa will keep us happy

  • Just want my mum to know that I love having a cuppa with her.

  • I’d treat Mum to a home made High Tea starring her Twining’s tea favourites! she’s been STEEPed in stress lately with some health issues BREWing so this would be some qualiTEA time out for her!

  • Nothing better than enjoying delightful Twinings tea and sharing homemade chocolate cake with my mother every Mother’s Day . As my mum has dementia , she becomes forgetfulness but she still loves a good cup of green tea with two tea spoons of sugar for her afternoon tea. There’s no much conversation between us , the Twinings tea magnificent smell floating in the air . I think that my mum do feeling special with Twinings this Mother’s Day .

  • Make her a cuppa in the beautiful tea set I bought her last Mother’s Day

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