
269 Entries

From the fantastically eccentric director Tim Burton, comes Frankenweenie, a tale about an outsider boy named Victor, whose world falls apart at the unexpected death of his canine companion Sparky. With the sudden loss, Victor turns to science to revive his pet, albeit not exactly to his original condition. However when Victor’s fellow students, teachers and entire town learn of Sparky’s amazing revival, the never-ending monstrous experiments start to run wild.

Available on Blu-ray 3D, 2D and DVD from 27th February 2013!

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We have 5 Frankenweenie prize packs up for grabs, each containing:

  • The DVD
  • A messenger bag
  • A watch
  • A journal
  • A baseball cap

For your chance to win, use the comment form below and tell us about your unbreakable bond!

Please note this competition is open from 18th February 2013 until 10th March 2013 and is only available to members of Mouths Of Mums. We are unable to accept entries posted via facebook. Mouths of Mums will not cover any travel costs associated with claiming this prize. The winners of this competition will be published on this page. Winners’ name and address will be provided to the promoter of this competition and prizes will be sent to the address you have in Your Profile.  Please ensure your details are up to date so that you receive your prize.

Winners for this competition

  1. C. MoncrieffQLD
  2. L. SolomonQLD
  3. R. KapsalakisVIC
  4. J. CairnsNSW
  5. T. AttwellWA
  • With my husband… through good times and bad we have a connection and bond that will be with us (i hope) forever. We have been through a lot during our married life and we love each other more and more because of it.

  • My unbreakable bond is with my two boys, being able to stay home with them as they grow has allowed us to become extremely close.

  • My unbreakable bond is with my darling husband, the love of my life, we finish each others sentences and plates :)!

  • My unbreakable bond is between my sister and I. We are only 16 months apart and have always been close. We were bought even closer after the tragic passing of my brother when he was just 12.
    I remember pushing our beds together and falling asleep holding hands. It was our way of comforting each other. All through life, we have continued to hold each other’s hands through marriages, births, deaths, and more! She’s my best friend and our bond will never be broken.

  • this one is my pride and joy and I’m very excited to have my first child in a few months time. I have formed an unbreakable bond with my wife and ready to be a father.

  • My 4 younger sisters, we are always there for each other no matter what! Plus they are great babysitters

  • the bond with my family is unbreakable i love spending every minute i can with them.

  • Chocolate. I seem to have an unbreakable bond with chocolate as no matter how hard I try to give it up and stay away from it, I never can!

  • Our unbreakable bond between me and my son. The same unbreakable bond between me and my mum even though she lives overseas. We went thru ups and downs but these bonds are stronger and unbreakable.
    I love u Mum and my son.

  • The truth, love, beauty and commitment my husband and I have for our marriage is what makes me sparkle for without this I are nothing! This is the strongest bond I have at the moment but I’m sure when I have a child a new bond will emerge but it will also strengthen the bond with my husband!

  • I am blessed enough to have 3 children but my unbreakable bond is with Zachary my 4 year old son. Zachary is a heart kid and I sat by his bed side during many hospital admissions so whenever he woke up from surgery or had to undergo a test, he would look at me and I would tell him a story. This has connected us and created our special and unbreakable bond.

  • i have an unbreakable bond with my brother. no matter how awful we were to each other as kids we are still friends. we both now have children who we love to see play together and grow up together. but there was a time when he was previously married that he dissapeared from my life, even missing my wedding because of his then wife. now nearly divorsed and moved on with a new partner and the beginning of his new family with her we are now back together like nothing has come between us. siblings, you cant break us.

  • I have an unbreakable bond with my entire family, even though we don’t all live close they are always close to my heart and the bond is stronger than ever 🙂

  • My girl and I, she is glued to me and doesn’t matter how angry I get with her sometimes her sweetness and kisses always melts my heart and all is forgiven. Nothing can ever separate us!

  • unbreakable bond………….the cliche thing would be to say my kids, but cliche or not, they really are my bond! And to top it off we all wear bonds undies too, and they never break!!

  • My unbreakable bond is with my 2 sons, they r my world n keep me living 🙂

  • My unbreakable bond is with my daughter. Nothing could come between us

  • A mothers bond with their child is unbreakable. It may be strained, stretched and strangled – but can NEVER be broken xo

  • I met my best friend on first day at my new school aged 10. We have known each other for 30 years and for the last 15 years have lived in different countries (she lives in England and I live in Australia) but when we have got together over the years it is as though we only saw each other yesterday (except the lines on the face and grey hair coming through!) We laugh and chat as though we see each other all the time and even the kids think of her and her family as part of our family. That is a very special bond which will never be broken.

  • I have an unbreakable bond with my credit card – it sustains and supports me, picks me up when I am down and buys me treats when I deserve them.

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