
212 Entries

We are thrilled to be giving all our members the chance to WIN 1 of 5 Garage Safety Packs from Dreambaby® valued at over $93.00!

Five lucky winners will receive a Garage Safety Pack valued at over $93.00 each which includes:

Dreambaby® Outlet Plugs

Dreambaby® Outlet Plugs help keep your children safe from electric shock. Perfect for all outlets in the garage. 24 pack is valued at $4.95

Dreambaby® Home Safety Value Kits 46-pieces

Dreambaby® Home Safety Value Kits 46-pieces contain everything you need to help make sure your garage is as safe as possible for your little ones. RRP $21.95

Dreambaby® Cord Clamps

Protect and cover long and loose cords with the Dreambaby® Cord Clamps, which clip easily around cord plugs and sockets to help keep your little ones safe from the dangers that arise when dangerous appliances are accidentally unplugged, in garage areas. RRP $5.95

Dreambaby® Car Reverse Alert Beepers

Installed on your motor vehicle, the Dreambaby® Car Reverse Alert Beeper helps alert anyone that you are reversing. Ideal for when your car is moving in and out of all garage, driveway and car port areas, where children could be playing. RRP $12.95

Dreambaby® Children Playing Warning Signs

Designed specifically to alert neighbours and passing drivers that unpredictable little ones are on the loose near garage entrances, in your driveway or near your house, the Dreambaby® Children Playing Warning Signs can help prevent accidents and tragedies. RRP$24.95

Dreambaby® Sliding Lock with Catch

Helps keep garage cupboards and storage areas safe and out of reach from curious little ones. Suitable for most cabinet knobs or D-Shaped handles.  RRP $9.95 for a pack of two.

Dreambaby® Secure Catches

A durable, easy-to-install childproofing solution that keep little people safe from harm by firmly securing most household cupboards and drawers yet provide easy access for adults. RRP $4.95 (pack of seven).

Dreambaby® Door Knob Covers

Keep internal garage areas out of reach and inaccessible to toddlers with these ingenious and inconspicuous safety covers. RRP $7.95.


Safety is very important, in and around the garage and adjacent driveways, places where accidents can, and unfortunately do occur!

The garage and surrounding areas are best kept as safe as possible, whether it be across workbenches, cupboards and storage areas, or in and around your motor vehicles. Children can be unpredictable and it is always MUCH better to be safer, rather than sorry!

Dreambaby® has assisted families by compiling a Garage Safety checklist, to identify the risks and potential hazards in and around the garage…..

  • Are any unused electrical outlets covered?
  • Have I ensured children are not nearby while driving into or out of the garage?
  • If tools and hardware are kept in the garage, are they safely locked away, and am I certain any screws or small items have not been left out?
  • Are any electrical objects safely out of reach when not in use?
  • Have any long or loose cords been covered or protected?
  • Have I ensured no children are left in the garage unsupervised?
  • Are any glass or breakable objects safely out of reach?
  • Have I kept all garage remotes safely out of reach of children?

Ensure your garage and driveway areas are kept as safe as possible, with a

Dreambaby® Garage Safety pack from: Visit the Dreambaby® web site at www.dreambaby.com.au  or call (02) 9386 4000.

Winners for this competition

  1. L. MulveyNSW
  2. S. BrownQLD
  3. C. RothmanNSW
  4. L. O'SheaWA
  5. L. IannazzoneSA
  • Everything up and out of reach, locks on doors, electricity outlet with covers, and try to explain to them why not to touch certain things.

  • We use power board safety clips, rounded plastic on the side of tables, cupboard locks and then watch her like a hawk also

  • I ensure little fingers can’t access areas that are off limits (i.e. cleaning cupboards, laundry, bathroom, stairs…) by getting onto their level and using necessary safety guards to keep them away from any harm.

  • all cupboards have child proof latches , there is child gates at door entrances I dont wish a child to enter . Front and back doors locked . Monitors on at all times in lounge room , childs bed room and toy room.

  • We have safety gates near the stairs and doorways to the kitchen and put all dangerous items up high that little ones can’t get their hands on. We put soft mesh on the corner of tables and pointy edges!

  • We have safety plugs for all our electrical sockets and keep all our dangerous liquids up above adult head height in the cupboard to ensure the safety of our children.

  • We have safety gates at the bottom of the stairs, the TV andd bookcases are secured to the wall, and everything that little hands aren’t meant to touch are kept out of arm’s reach.

  • Ensure little ones cannot push your table over to kitchen benches, use a chair on top of it, then reach the cupboard door above. A toddler reached up and got a bottle of orange flavoured medication whilst her Mum was doing the washing.

  • i get down to their level and see what i can access….anything in the yard deemed dangerous is kept in the shed locked outside and noone is allowed unattended in the pool area (and its fenced and checked regularly)

  • I have all chemicals and cleaning products located up high, out of reach and under locked cupboards. Also have safety switches installed at home and I’m always keeping an eye on my children at all times.

  • Everything remotely harmful is moved out of reach, no children in the kitchen and I keep an eye on them carefully.

  • When Baby proofing,
    Perspective is key.
    Look at things,
    Through the eyes of a baby!

    Anything toddler height.
    Fasten up!
    Anything dangerous…
    Lock it up!

    Comb your home,
    From top to toe.
    For babies are much smarter,
    Than you know!

  • I treat all cleaning products as poisons, provide a safe play environment, teach respect of animals (namely dogs), know your child and most importantly – keep watch as much as possible.

  • Educate each foster child safety areas. Practice get down low and go go go, teach them how in a emergency the safest was to get out of the house and most of all keep practising as much as possible.

  • keep a look out when reversing from garage or driveway making sure no children are in the vicinity, make sure electrical appliances are out of reach and handles from pots/pans/fry pans are turned inwards, make sure no loose cords to prevent tripping and keep all breakable objects out of reach.

  • We put up a gate to kitchen and store poisons up high. We have constant visual checks and put things up high if needed. Would love to have some extra precaution

  • door locks and power plug covers are the main things I use but also keeping a close eye on my boys keeps them our of harms way. i also have the eyes that are in the back of my head – but those little hands and eyes.

  • The chemicals are up high,
    I don’t want them to cry!
    No ingesting of that stuff,
    But being so watchful is tough!

  • I always make sure the safety doors are locked with a key Om me.I look at the house at child’s height and removing anything harmful.

  • cant wrap them in cotton wool but the rooms they shouldn’t be in should have a child gate on them or a handle high up so the kids cant open them.

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