
439 Entries

To celebrate “Thomas & Friends: King of the Railway” now showing in Hoyts cinemas, we are giving MoM’s members the chance to WIN 1 of 5 Thomas & Friends prize packs!

Each pack is worth over $110 and contains:

  • 1 x Thomas & Friends: Rescue on the Rails DVD = $19.95
  • 1 x Thomas & Friends Throw = $25
  • 1 x Thomas & Friends Cushion = $20
  • 1 x pair of Thomas & Friends Sunglasses = $24.95
  • 1 x Meet the Engines Book = $7.95
  • 1 x double pass to the movie = $14

Thomas and friends: King of the railway!

Thomas is over the moon when the Earl of Sodor chooses him and friends Percy and James to rebuild Ulfstead Castle. During their latest adventure, the Steam Team meets Millie, a bubbly French engine, and Stephen, an older steam locomotive with fascinating stories to tell. Meanwhile, Spencer and Gordon are stunned when they encounter two new engines, Connor and Caitlin, who are even faster than they are!

But disaster strikes when Stephen goes missing. Will Thomas find Stephen in time for the Grand Opening of Ulfstead Castle, and what is it that lies buried deep in the mine under the Castle…?

PLUS, every child receives a special King of the Railway crown, while stocks last!

Visit hoyts.com.au/hoytsjnr for more info or to book online.

To enter, tell us which new engine are you most looking forward to meeting in King of the Railway, and why?

Please note this competition is open from 26th July 2013 until 9th August 2013 and is only available to members of Mouths Of Mums. We are unable to accept entries posted via facebook. The winners of this competition will be published on this page. Winners’ name and address will be provided to the promoter of this competition and prizes will be sent to the address you have in Your Profile. Please ensure your details are up to date so that you receive your prize.

Winners for this competition

  1. C. HenryVIC
  2. T. StedmanNSW
  3. C. AndraeSA
  4. Z. EsmailVIC
  5. L. DunstanQLD
  • Connor and Caitlin. My boys are always trying to be the fastest at everything. They will love these two just because they are FAST.

  • Stephen is the one. He seems like he has a few stories to tell.

  • Thomas the Tank Engine as he is my child’s favourite train and is the most friendly, famous character. It would be an blast meeting Thomas!

  • im sure my nephew would be excited just to see the movie 🙂

  • I love Thomas as much as my son

  • I’d love to meet Millie !

  • I’d like to meet Thomas because he’s the star of the show after all!

  • I’m looking forward to meeting the new girl Millie, because she sounds like a fun bubbly French engine

  • Thomas has come such a long way since I watched it as a child! I love that they are adding more female engines!

  • We have all the engines am looking forward to adding all the new ones. But very excited to see some lady engines. Milie and Caitlin will be great to meet. We’ve been playing with Thomas for 15 years love seeing it all introduced to each of my kids.

  • My son gets excited whenever a new engine arrives on Sodor so he’s looking forward to meeting them all!

  • wow a fast girl engine, can’t wait to see how fast Caitlin can go!

  • My son loves Thomas and always will…I think I would love Millie. I have a soft spot for anything French!

  • My little one would love to meet Connor and Caitlin as they are fast, well according to my boy he’s even faster than them =)

  • Both my boys love Thomas and they woul love to meet Connor and they would lov o win his, thank u

  • My boy loves trains and just adores Thomas. He would love to meet the new engines Connor and Caitlin because they go fast. He would absolutely adore this pack and be on top of the world!!

  • It has to be Thomas.

  • My 4 year old son is a huge Thomas fan but secretly I think my 2 year old daughter loves him just as much to, it would be great to meet a few more female engines like Millie and Caitlin.

  • My kids love the stories that their old locomotive grandfather tells them. I’m sure Stephen has a thrilling story or two to tell!

  • Millie, because there are so few girl engines

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