
248 Entries

We are thrilled to be able to offer you a chance to WIN 1 of 5 Tickety Toc Prize Packs.

WIN 1 of 5 Tickety Toc Prize Packs, valued at $80 each:

  • Tune Time Book 
  • Bubble Time 
  • Touch and Feel Book 
  • Activity Book 
  • The Unpoppable Bubble
  • Stickety Tickety Time

Tickety Toc is a gorgeous positive television program for pre-schoolers that airs on Nick Jr and is returning to Toasted TV on Channel 11 in September. Tickety Toc is a colourful animated series, which follows the fast-paced, energetic, comedic adventures of twins, Tommy and Tallulah and their remarkable friends as they race against time to keep the clock ticking and chime in the time. Through Tommy and Tallulah’s madcap adventures, Tickety Toc explores concepts of teamwork, social responsibility and problem solving in a fun and engaging way.  

Tickety Toc and its memorable characters are now available in a new digital format, Tickety Toc’s App “Bubble Time” is now giving kids more ways to play and interact with their favorites anytime, anywhere.

Please note this competition is open from 1st September 2014 until 22nd September 2014 and is only available to members of Mouths Of Mums. We are unable to accept entries posted via facebook. Facebook LIKE functionality is not a requirement of entry to this competition. The winners of this competition will be published on this page. Winners’ name and address will be provided to the promoter of this competition and prizes will be sent to the address you have in Your Profile. Please ensure your details are up to date so that you receive your prize.

Winners for this competition

  1. K. MansellWA
  2. I. MohamedNSW
  3. S. MarkwellQLD
  4. P. GullyNSW
  5. M. KearnsQLD
  • Tallulah! of course Tommy is a close second but my twin girls adore that they are twins and on adventures together as they race against time! Mummy loves Pufferty the puppy dog! Love shows that remind me of our doggy!

  • McCoggins!

  • My doughter parnika loves tommy he laughs at him on. His adventures on tickety tok

  • My little one loves all characters , he loves the tick tock noises sounds and colourful fun .

  • the mouse and postman pat

  • Madame Au Lait is our favourite with her calls of Moo-Hoo!” “My little Tic Tocketeers!” and she can play table tennis!

  • Pufferty… Little Miss always giggles when she sees him running down the track 🙂

  • My favourite character is Hopparoo because he has lots of silly accidents just like me that makes me laugh till i cry.

  • Hopparoo is my favourite character, cause he reminds me of my 9 year old son, whom is cheeky and filled with mischief.

  • my 1 yr old daughter loves tickety toc she has just learned to clap her hands and I notice she does this a lot watching this show which is so cute,her favourite character would have to be tallulah

  • love the poor owl,who never gets anything to go right,my greatgran daughter cheers him on ,to no avail,to help him ,–wonderful show for the kids

  • Our family treasure’s Pufferty; an inspirational animation creation that captivates hearts through a wondrous world of beautifully adventurous explorations, delightfully cheerful fascination and unique character companionship – expressive entertainment to truly treasure so all aboard for Tickety Toc’s chime time, magnificently magical!.

  • Tallulah as she is as lovely as Miss 7 and dress with flowers in their her. I think it is so sweet

  • My son Harry’s loves tommy he laughs at him on. His adventures on tickety tok

  • Pufferty is my favorite character. My 3.5yr old loved how he behaves like a dog or dog for example chasing a ball. He is such a funny character and although he isn’t one of the 2 lead characters he is a very important character making sure Tommy and Talulah get the the clock on time.

  • McCoggins. I was I had one at home….there’s so much need doing.

  • McCoggins! He’s so funny!

  • do not have one.

  • Madame Au Lait because she has a huge heart

  • Tallulah because my daughter relates to her in some strange way. She copies what she says & walks around the house quoting her. My daughter could watch this show all day if we were to let her

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