
800 Entries

To celebrate Mister Maker’s first Australian national tour, we’re giving away 7 family passes – one for each city.

Since his debut in 2007, Mister Maker has gained international success with his unique ability to encourage children to use their imaginations in fun and creative ways.

The Mister Maker Live theatre tour is sure to thrill and delight, bringing together exciting live entertainment values coupled with inspirational ideas for Mini Makers to go out there and be creative.

For complete tour and ticketing details visit:  www.livenation.com.au

Please note this competition is open from 30th April 2015 until 7th June 2015 and is only available to members of Mouths Of Mums. We are unable to accept entries posted via facebook. Facebook LIKE functionality is not a requirement of entry to this competition. The winners of this competition will be published on this page. Winners’ name and address will be provided to the promoter of this competition and prizes will be sent to the address you have in Your Profile. Please ensure your details are up to date so that you receive your prize.

Winners for this competition

  1. J. RobinsonWA
  2. C. WilliamsACT
  3. J. MilliganVIC
  5. T. GoodchildSA
  6. A. MayockQLD
  7. M. EvansNSW
  • I love that Mister Maker inspires and creates, recycles and upcycles and teaches my kids to think outside the box and repurpose things that are fun and more importantly easy for me to recreate.

  • I love Mister Maker because he always has different craft ideas which are always great to make with my daughter who also loves Mister Maker. He always has ideas for all ages.

  • Mr Maker is loved by me because when he is he totally absorbs my childrens attention so much that I can sneak off and eat a whole packet of chocolate biccies in peace and quiet before I hear ohhhhh no mummy mr maker is over.

  • Mister Maker encourages my 3&5 year old to use their imagination, that they are capable and creating is fun! I love how they can recreate the things they watch him make. We would love these tickets, Please!

  • I don’t actually know him, but am curious to get to know him.

  • He gets little ones creativity flowing with wonderful artistic creations & who doesn’t like dancing along signing I am a Shape.

  • We need an extra room just for our craft stuff! Mister Maker gives the kids (and I) lots of inspiration!

  • My 2 year old son asks to watch MISTER MAKER on Netflix several times a day and then always wants to paint afterwards. It gives us great ideas for crafts but best of all since watching my son has learned what a circle, square, rectangle and triangle are! How great is that?

  • Mister Maker makes craft fun and easy to copy! Even makes non-craft people like myself think they might have a chance!

  • Who doesn’t love easy arts and crafts ! keeps my son occupied and focused whilst sharing a special bond working together

  • My daughters love creating mister makers items.. It entertains them on rainy days.

  • I love Mister Maker because my son absolutely loves it! It’s his all time favourite show, and compared to some other shows on tv at the moment, Mister Maker is educational and ignites my sons imagination.

  • Not only is he so funny but he loves to draw and make things

  • My little boy almost 3 years loves mister maker and even knows the phrases gloopy glue and scissors are sharp. His favourite parts are the shapes he could watch them all day and when toki says it’s time to go.

  • Mister Maker shows things to make and do, my children go through so much glue! Creativity is important for little minds, my kids always leave hand made presents for me to find!

  • Mister Maker gets my kids interested and using their imagination to create their own crafts. We would love to see Mister Maker in Perth

  • my daughter loves mister maker , loves watching him make things

  • It gives me and my 4year old Son some quality time together as we watch the show and the fantastic creations Mister Maker makes. In my sons words ” He makes everything I like ” and then the fun begins as we try and recreate. 🙂

  • We love Mister Maker with his crafty ideas,
    he’s the best children’s entertainment we’ve seen in years,
    we make, sing, dance and learn,
    we watch as all the different shapes take turns,
    we love Mister Maker and his bright personality,
    his spotty vest and amazing individuality.

  • Mister Maker gets my kids interested and using their imagination to create their own crafts. We would love to see Mister Maker in Perth

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