238 Entries
The annual Australia and New Zealand Babywearing Week starts on Monday, October 8 with events planned all around Australia and New Zealand. Check www.babywearingweek.com.au for details of an event near you.
You can also organise your own event and share the Babywearing love AND have a chance of winning $3000 worth of grants for your local non-for-profit community group or charity plus weekly prizes!
Mouth of Mums is joining in the celebrations this year! We have one original Ergobaby carrier (RRP$159.00) up for grabs. Just use the comment form below and tell us why you need an Ergobaby Carrier!
In the meantime, head over to the Australia & New Zealand Babywearing Facebook Page and join the celebration!
For more about Babywearing week visit: http://babywearingweek.com.au/about/
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