
238 Entries

The annual Australia and New Zealand Babywearing Week starts on Monday, October 8 with events planned all around Australia and New Zealand. Check www.babywearingweek.com.au for details of an event near you.

You can also organise your own event and share the Babywearing love AND have a chance of winning $3000 worth of grants for your local non-for-profit community group or charity plus weekly prizes!

Mouth of Mums is joining in the celebrations this year! We have one original Ergobaby carrier (RRP$159.00) up for grabs. Just use the comment form below and tell us why you need an Ergobaby Carrier!

In the meantime, head over to the Australia & New Zealand Babywearing Facebook Page and join the celebration!

For more about Babywearing week visit: http://babywearingweek.com.au/about/

Please note this competition is open from 8th October until 29th October and is only available to members of Mouths Of Mums. We are unable to accept entries posted via facebook. The winners of this competition will be published on this page. Winners’ name and address will be provided to the promoter of this competition and prizes will be sent to the address you have in Your Profile.  Please ensure your details are up to date so that you receive your prize.

Winners for this competition

  1. H. CroysdaleVIC
  • My baby is legally blind and needs carrying more than other babies do. Help!

  • For my FIRST GRANCHILD – My arms aren’t as strong as they used to be!

  • I have pelvic instability and the Ergo would allow me to carry bub #2 as it would provide the best support my back and keep bub in the best position. Leaving my hands free to look after bub #1 as we move through our day.

  • Safely tucked in one of these it would be more difficult for the kids to get my grandkid back! 🙂

  • Because Life it more fun when i’m carrying my son.

  • I would love one of these as im the designated babysitter for my new grandson and it will make my life so much easier if i can carry him, around

  • So my little one is close to my heart, and ease from bushwalking with a pram

  • I love having my little man close to me, which also keeps my arms free to keep hold of his two older and mischievous brothers.

  • ERGO BABY will give me peace of mind knowing baby is close and the freedom my hands desire.

  • Walking in the sun with my Mum
    Hiking with Dad so much fun
    Shopping with my precious Ma
    Sightseeing with my Pa
    So many places we could go
    In my brand new Ergo

  • My little man,
    Won’t stay in the pram.
    He wants to be in my arms;
    That’s doing my back harm.
    Winning an Ergobaby Carrier would be the best;
    To support my little guy and give my back a rest.

  • Although I wish I had more I only have two arms and hands!

  • With temperature control material and the ability to wear front, back or side, the Ergobaby is perfect for our travelling lifestyle.

  • we are expecting a baby in a few months it will come in handy

  • Envy. Everytime I see a mum with one of these I get sooooo jealous!!

  • I believe in baby being close to Mum as much as possible..
    The Ergobaby is the solution, Mum and baby have close
    contact as Mum continues doing ‘what Mums do’..

  • Run into the ground, no time to be found,
    Ergobaby could help me with my running around!

  • I never learned to juggle until I became a mum, there’s still a limit to how much I can do one handed though!

  • As a mum of 4, life is never a bore
    and it would give my bub some fun in the sun!

  • I have used slings and babybjorns to death but have found they don’t have the back support when they are used extensively. With my fourth baby on the way and having 3 boys under 4 already I find that for the first 6months at least It is nice to have the baby so close all the time ( and hands free aswell) so they get the attention and bonding time they need in amongst all the action !

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