
533 Entries

Send your little ones back to school with a fantastic hamper to start 2017 in the best way!

Click here to view our Back to School Feature!

Please note this competition is open from 6 January 2017 to 31 January 2017 and is only available to members of Mouths Of Mums. This competition is a game of skill – answer in 50 words or less. We are unable to accept entries posted via facebook. Facebook LIKE functionality is not a requirement of entry to this competition. The winners of this competition will be published on this page. Winners’ name and address will be provided to the promoter of this competition and prizes will be sent to the address you have in Your Profile. Please ensure your details are up to date so that you receive your prize.

Winners for this competition

  1. C. DaviesNSW
  • They need to organise themselves and this would be a great way to help them do so!

  • I remember well how sad I found it to be going back to school after fun summer holidays – this would cheer any kid up!

  • My little pal Ethan is just learning what it’s like to share with others (being an only child) and loves labeling his stuff. A Stuck on You Value Pack would have him jumping for joy and his mum relieved that things will come home again! Thanks!

  • Our induction into the ‘I have a school kid’ club happened with celebrations this month. As our oldest child enters her first year of schooling, my husband is finally finishing his last year as a full-time university student. Schooling is expensive but we know it’s an investment worth making!

  • Think all children need this ! I love to give the kids healthy opinion & choices .Naming Items is great then everyone knows which item belongs too .Catering for all ages is ideal .

  • So they can take ownership of their own things and I don’t have to spend every waking hour searching the lost property bins.

  • If it has a name on it – it gets returned. My son loses most of his belongings as life is meant to be fun and games.

  • Back to school is always bad,
    the added expense makes me feel sad.
    Pens and pencils lost in a blink,
    a labels pack is the best for us I think.

  • This practical prize will help my kids to identify their belonging, hopefully they will not loose most of it as in previous years. Replacing can be very expensive and inconvenient. This is so helpful for parents and much as the kids.

  • This is the first year he is going to be completely in charge of getting himself ready for the day. If he is proud of his belongings I think he will surprise himself with his organisation skills.

  • My kids don’t loose their heads because it’s stuck to them, replacing school stationery and uniform has been costly in the past few years, this amazing prize will assist with this expensive issue.

  • My children lose everything! If the sock is not firmly on the foot it is gone forever!!! Winning all of this awesome gear, along with the LABELs would be so great… people would actually know who owns all of the random stuff they are taking home!

  • So its one less ‘Starting prep’ angst I can not let myself feel, I hate losing belongings!!!

  • My son is starting at Daycare in february and i think he needs this to make him enjoy packing his bag and helping get his stuff ready for school.

  • So they can actually find their belongings for once.

  • I got a little starting ore school Oi want her to be prepped and ready

  • My big boy start school this year and is prone to losing his things so this back to school pack will definitely help us through first year in school

  • Joshua and Georgia are pretty good with their school stuff but it’s always great to give kids a sense of ownership and pride. Cool labels will help with this !

  • All kids love stickers and Stuck On You has some awesome designs that my kids would use on their school items.

  • Its me that needs it, as a working mumma, who is studying as well, I need all the organisational assistance I can get.

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