
872 Entries

We’ve put together some top notch gifts this year, and you could take all of them home!

Please note this competition is open from 28 April 2017 until 14 May 2017 and is only available to members of Mouths Of Mums. This competition is a game of skill – answer in 50 words or less. We are unable to accept entries posted via facebook. Facebook LIKE functionality is not a requirement of entry to this competition. The winners of this competition will be published on this page. Winners’ name and address will be provided to the promoter of this competition and prizes will be sent to the address you have in Your Profile. Please ensure your details are up to date so that you receive your prize. Users who unsubscribe will no longer be eligible to win this prize.

Winners for this competition

  1. A. MurrayQLD
  • I would like to give my Mum the biggest hug I can possibly give her and say Thank You. My Mum passed away 22 years ago and I miss her daily.

  • I would love to give my mother a special weekend with her life partner, my father, recently diagnosed with terminal cancer. Having a big family treats were rare for us children but non existent for them. I want the best time for them, in the limited time they have left.

  • A huge hug and kiss and a beautiful big bunch of flowers! She also loves her pandora so i normally buy her a special bead to put on that.

  • A huge amount of love, hugs and kisses. My mum is my best friend and deserves more than I can give at any time. Any present large or small is always appreciated even just a card when money is tight like now. She doesn’t care.

  • My grandma raised me from the age of 6, so I would love to give her everything! She is incredible and even babysits my children now as a great grandma at 75!!

  • I would love to give my mother MyDiary that I have written since I was 11. Now 54 and she would read My Dreams and aspirations that she had given me through out my life Thank you Mum.

  • I would like to give my mum peace and quiet, so that she can relax and unwind knowing that it’s alright to have some time to herself and treat herself with this prize pack if I win it for her.

  • More time, a memory and a glimpse of lost moments because of her deteriorating condition with Alzheimer’s disease. A loving smile on her face in recognition of those spending the special day with her, not a blank lost look.

  • Big hug and spoil her with a nice treat.

  • To pamper Mum with the Serbica Products would be such a treat for her , I’m raising Grandkids and can’t afford such a beautiful present for her .

  • The good health and energy of her youth,
    But we can’t turn back time that’s the truth.
    So I’ll wish for a good day and a laugh or too,
    With some flowers and chocolates to say I love you!

  • I would love to give Mum my gratitude.
    She has given me all that she could.
    Both material and emotional needs,
    Were abundantly given to me and planted the seeds,
    For the person I became,
    Now I want to thank a wonderful woman,
    MY MUM.

  • I’d love to give her a really nice day out for being so good to us.

  • A holiday is Scotland and Ireland.

  • I would love to give my mum great health and lots of happiness!

  • a Cruise to New Zealand as she went with my Grandmother when she was 18 and this year will mark 60 years that she went their as now she is 78

  • My mum has helped me so much last year whilst finishing up my degree and love to give her a holiday to Port Douglas to say thankyou.

  • I’d love to give my mum my time. She selflessly gave up her career to raise my sister and I and these days we both work too hard and don’t get to see her as much as she deserves.

  • I would give my
    Mum this prize if I won

  • A big hug, but sadly she is no longer here…..but I do have the most amazing mother in law who also deserves a treat. Xx

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