
185 Entries

We are thrilled to give you the chance to WIN 1 of 10 Richard Clapton The Best Years of Our Lives book & CD/DVD prize packs!

WIN 1 of 10 The Best Years of Our Lives by Richard Clapton book & CD/DVD prize packs valued at $57.98 (courtesy of Allen & Unwin and Warner Music Australia).

For 40 years, Richard Clapton has been, above all else, a songwriter – a wry observer of human behaviour and an astute commentator on the Australian condition. His best songs – ‘Deep Water’, ‘The Best Years of Our Lives’, ‘Goodbye Tiger’, ‘Glory Road’, ‘Lucky Country’, ‘Girls on the Avenue’, ‘Trust Somebody’ and ‘Capricorn Dancer’ – capture the essence of this country and the meaning of our lives like few others.

In the new book The Best Years of Our Lives, Richard employs his songwriter’s keen powers of observation, portraiture and storytelling to tell the best story of all: the remarkable one of his own life. Outrageous, funny, insightful and poignant, this is the rock memoir to beat them all. And what would make a better soundtrack than the 40th Anniversary Collection CD & DVD set, a career-spanning collection of 50 songs and the classic ‘Best Years of Our Lives’ concert film on DVD for the first time.

Please note this competition is open from 27th August 2014 until 17th September 2014 and is only available to members of Mouths Of Mums. We are unable to accept entries posted via facebook. Facebook LIKE functionality is not a requirement of entry to this competition. The winners of this competition will be published on this page. Winners’ name and address will be provided to the promoter of this competition and prizes will be sent to the address you have in Your Profile. Please ensure your details are up to date so that you receive your prize.

Winners for this competition

  1. R. YangzonWA
  2. B. GibsonVIC
  3. H. NewQLD
  4. M. LindsayWA
  5. J. KingVIC
  6. F. Bibby- ChapmanQLD
  7. C. PrykeVIC
  8. D. LindsayTAS
  9. J. FoyeNSW
  10. J. WilliamsQLD
  • Now because u can’t live in the past

  • 20 to 30 becoming of age and getting married having a family

  • How about right now as we’re both retired, Grandchildren to fuss over, Traveling around Australia at our leisure still have our own teeth 😉 what more could we want!!

  • When i was a child aged around 10 i lived a very care free life and rode horses everyday had amazing friends and lived on a farm it was a fantastic life .I love my life now too thou just not as care free

  • when we had our children because i then knew what true love was! x

  • The best years were the years of toddlers and being at home helping them to grow and create wonderful memories.

  • My 20s! That’s when I became a mum. I had a career, found my life partner and settled down to have babies. 20s by far. The teens are way too old, 30 s and over age starts to set in and take over. Love my 20s

  • childhood days – having no care in the world, food was made for you, no bills to pay, someone to drive you around

  • All years have much to recommend , to remember highlights… carefree pre-kids, two salaries, long Summer holidays back-packing… joy at the birth of children, celebrating their milestones, sharing them with grandparents..now a few snatched moments alone together… BLISS!

  • Childhood! No bills, no worries!!
    Believing in Santa and the tooth fairy! Magic!

  • Childhood when all I had to complain about was that my birthday was too far away and mum had cooked meatloaf again.

  • My best years have been my early learning years as learning has kept me youthful and happy. A little secret… I feel as long as I keep learning, my best years will still keep turning!

  • My teenage years, as they were very carefree and happy. I had lots of fun with my friends and family. They brought great joy into my life.

  • My twenties, id just come out of a four year relationship and I felt like id been let out of jail, parties and fun here I come!

  • Every second of every minute, in every hour, of the day…are the best ‘years of my life’! You must make it all count…you dont get a second chance!!

  • The best years of my life are right now I have three beautiful grandsons and another on the way, I’m just so happy loving being a grandmother.

  • Best years of my life have been the past 10 years because I made a decision to leave an unhappy marriage and be true to myself and my children. Hard at the time but on reflection the best thing I’ve ever done.

  • My childhood were the best years, playing with my friends and laughing for no reason, no stress, no worries, just fun and frolic every day in every season.

  • My 20’s! Met the love of my life, travelled with him, got married and now have 3 beautiful boys! Absolutely the best years of my life and most rewarding!

  • My 20’s – I was the lead singer in a pretty popular band in Perth and I use to rock the goods! it was funny when I saw girls from school when I was on stage. I use to snub them bitches!!

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