
1055 Entries

We are so excited to be giving you the chance to win a Muze Travel System from Joie.

One lucky winner will receive a Joie Muze Travel System including the Muze Easy-Fold Stroller & matching Gemm Infant Car Seat and In-car Base. Valued at $599.

Joie (pronounced JOY) is the new baby brand from the UK. Joie has a range of high quality Strollers, Car Seats and High Chairs – made for busy parents. The Muze Travel System means you can move baby easily from Car – to Stroller – to Home – without waking them! We all know that when we haven’t been sleeping for a week, anything that keeps them asleep is fantastic. The package includes the Muze Stroller in Poppy Red & the matching Gemm Infant Car Seat.

The Muze will take a child from Newborn to 20kg (4+). It has Full Layback, Adjustable Legrest, Parent & Child Cupholders, Storage Basket. Folding the stroller down is so simple – just fold it over and it locks and stands up by itself.

The Gemm Infant Car Seat can be used from Newborn to approx. 9 months. The cushioning is adjustable to grow with baby and the In-Car Base is height adjustable and so easy to install. The most important thing is the side crash protection and the Gemm is amongst the best in its class.

The whole system is amazing value at just $599.



Please note this competition is open from 8th July 2014 until 11th August 2014 and is only available to members of Mouths Of Mums. We are unable to accept entries posted via facebook. Facebook LIKE functionality is not a requirement of entry to this competition. The winners of this competition will be published on this page. Winners’ name and address will be provided to the promoter of this competition and prizes will be sent to the address you have in Your Profile. Please ensure your details are up to date so that you receive your prize.

Winners for this competition

  1. S. CollinsQLD
  • With a Joie Muze Travel System, I won’t be the crazy Mum running my daily errands on one arm while attending to my newborn on another. Life would be a breeze! My heartbeats would stop banging on my chest. I can relax and have the impromptu picnics at the parks!

  • I would be able to look after my niece more often and instead of just staying home, we could go for walks or I could take her in the car wherever I needed to go. It would be so much easier not having to borrow prams and swap car seats!

  • because it’s one less thing to think about, given my brain is scrambled enough!

  • Lift out capsule, pop in pram, how easy. No fuss. No having to wake bub when transfer from car to pram and vise versa. Cant ask for more. Sooo easy. And not having to spend $$$ on another seat a few months later, wow!!!

  • Oh what MUZE-ic to my ear –
    I’d give a JOIE-ful ‘silent’ cheer;
    With bub’s SMOOTH transition
    In car and out –
    In comfort and safety
    As we move about;
    And with this streamlined system to assist …….
    I’ll feel less like a contortionist!

  • It would make play dates/baby sitting for my sister so much easier with an extra baby seat! Oh my god!

  • Happy baby happy wife happy life

  • Going to places will be a pleasure,
    For mummy and her little treasure,
    Thanks to Joie Muze travel will be done with ease,
    No longer a pain, but a welcoming breeze.

  • With my first two, it escaped me but with my next I’d be filled with Joie to understand the phrase ‘sleeping like a baby’ literally!

  • Soon to be mother, I believe it would help any new mum, with the stress of not waking a new born whilst out and about.

  • With a muze travel system there woudl be a system to my travel with bub.

  • As a mum who doesn’t get much sleep, getting bub from car, to stroller, to home…will give this mum more time to get through the busy day & have an early night!

  • “Never wake a sleeping baby” rings in my ears
    Wise words handed down from Mouths of Mums over the years
    Until The Muze Travel System this was an obstacle
    A peaceful uninterrupted sleep for my new baby is finally possible!

  • Bub and I love going for a walk around Tuggeranong Lake in a baby carrier. As bub is getting bigger, a pram with larger storage space will be a plus to do some grocery shopping after our walk. Newborn carrier will also be very useful for our next baby.

  • Easy of mobility and great functionality would take all the drama out of getting out and about.

  • The simplicity of the muse travel system would help me big time. I’m absolutely envious of the ease of folding, cup holders both child and parent. I wished I looked into this brand earlier. A hell of a lot better than my handme down.

  • Travelling with baby and toddler can be challengjng at times with all the gadgets. I love the colours, sleek design and not having to wake baby from car to pram and plently of room for baby bag and the all important coffee!

  • Easier to walk my energetic bub and hyper puppy

  • With a newborn plus two kids to drop and pick from school, it’ll be so much easier to carry the baby without waking it up with the muze travel system.

  • My baby boy always falls asleep in the car and in the stroller and i hate waking him, i feel like such a big meany, especially when he is sick. It would be so nice to move him without having to wake him up. It would also help my back immensely as i suffer from lower back pains and i am always hurting myself lifting the stroller in and out of the car.

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