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People are accusing a dad of sexualising his baby girl in a Twitter picture.

Mum uploaded the adorable and completely innocent photos to Twitter, which show her baby girl posing for her nine-month-old milestone photo.

The little girl can be seen in the first picture grabbing her toes.


However, it’s the next photo that sent Twitter crazy, as it shows the baby girl’s dad holding her legs closed, shared Yahoo BE.

“Daddy was not having it,” the mum wrote, alongside three laughing emojis.

twitter 2

While the mum was simply having a laugh, other parents didn’t see the funny side.

“Yikes I wouldn’t leave him alone with her if I were you. What kind of sick man thinks that way about a baby?,” one woman tweeted.

“Babies kick and stretch and pose and there is nothing inherently sexual about it, but he saw it that way,” she said.

Other commenters agreed, saying that the parents don’t realise they’re ‘sexualising a baby and she doesn’t even have teeth yet’.

“Way to sexualise a child, well done,” another person said on the thread.

The mum ended up stepping in again on the conversation to try to diffuse the situation.

“Y’all act like he glued her damn legs shut. It was a joke and a second. Our daughter is free to stretch however she wants. Worry about your own life thanksssssssss,” she wrote.

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  • I have seen baby boys laying in a very similar position.


  • Seems you can’t do much on social media without ramifications.


  • Maybe he just wanted her pose to echo the flowers.


  • Maybe his thinking was that he didn’t want anyone to take advantage of these photos. But then I would post these photos to any social media for people to make nasty comments on


  • My baby is 33 years old and I still have to tell her to put her legs together so I can get a decent photo of her ????


  • Did they really have to post a babies photo on Facebook for everyone to see ?what happened to the babies privacy she’s an innocent little girl
    Well of course this is going to attract different opinions


  • If her IG or facebook was set as private and her friends n family knows their humour then it would not have been a problem.
    Public page do cause trouble.


  • Unfortunately, posting photos always attracts comments – good and bad – maybe if mum hadn’t made the comment herself, it wouldn’t have drawn such negative response ….


  • The response of the commenters says more about them then about dad.


  • It’s a bit weird to post online…but the reactions are way over the top.


  • Putting photos on social media has its risks, everyone has a different opinion of course not necessarily right or wrong. Very cute little one!

    • Totally agree – posting and sharing online attracts comment either way.


  • Bit of an overreaction.


  • Such a lovely girl! And of course there is always somebody that needs to say something nasty.


  • Public sharing will attract public comment and surely anyone would realise this image and comment would attract backlash.


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