

A new dad says he can’t understand why his wife went ‘ballistic’ at him after he fell asleep with their baby in his arms.

The 27-year-old admits he’s completely exhausted from juggling their seven-month-old daughter and work.

“Having a child this young is just straight up hell. I have to work longer hours to cover expenses and I also can’t sleep because of her sleep cycles,” he explained on reddit.

“On Sunday morning, my wife went out with her friends for the day and I was watching our daughter. I had no energy and when my daughter fell asleep in my arms while I was on the couch I did too.

“I woke up to my wife yelling at me with my daughter in her arms. She was going absolutely ballistic and telling me how irresponsible I was for sleeping with my daughters in my arms like that. I really think it isn’t an issue but she clearly does.”

His post was met with thousands of comments, explaining why his wife was right with her response.

One responder commented: “I’m a Registered Nurse at a large metropolitan Children’s Hospital. We see horrific cases of babies falling asleep with parents so often.

“When babies fall asleep on their parents chest or in their arms, they can become trapped between the parent and the sofa, chair or bed.”

“Often they are unable to breathe causing death or a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI). With a TBI the once vivacious baby with an unlimited future ahead ceases to exist. In its place is a baby/child/adult that is bed/wheelchair bound, have to be fed through a tube, unable to walk, talk or toilet by themselves. Ever.

“Original Poster – you are not the a**hole for sleeping when the baby sleeps. In fact, I do recommend it. Just be safe and smart about it. Put the baby in a safe place-crib to blanket on the floor. Remember SAFE sleep. Put baby to sleep on their back, on a firm surface such as a crib mattress, alone and no extra soft toys, pillows or blankets.”

Another person offered these sobering stories: “When I was in hospital after having mine one of the mothers fell asleep feeding her baby. The baby fell out of her arms, bounced off the bed and hit the floor, ending up with fractured skull.

“A friend of mine fell asleep holding her son on the lounge. When she woke up he had suffocated and was dead. Maybe most of the time nothing happens, but you don’t want to be one of the ones who aren’t lucky.”

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  • Yes its true you can’t sleep with a baby in your hands…but telling the truth I even got myself falling asleep


  • it can happen so easily.


  • This can happen so easily when one is exhausted with a bub and extra work, and although it is something most of us would never do deliberately, I think this man should be cut some slack especially with the mum going off with her friends.


  • I’m wondering how his wife can go out with friends when he is working longer to pay for expenses. I know he shouldn’t have fallen asleep with his daughter in the chair. He probably hadn’t meant to fall asleep and luckily nothing happened but next time if he’s tired he should lay on the floor with her. Better still, put her in her pram and rock her, that way if he falls asleep and she’s securely in the bed they are both safe.


  • As a mother of four, I understand the exhaustion, especially since only one of mine was a good sleeper. I honestly don’t remember if I ever fell asleep with one that young on the lounge but I definitely did sleep with them on the floor, or in bed. I do understand the wife’s concern but she needs to understand how tired her husband is


  • Scary stories being posted but I think everyone has had it happen to them by falling asleep holding baby. As a parent to a young baby you are constantly exhausted. I don’t imagine he will do it again. He will put bubs down for a nap and go sleep elsewhere.


  • I do understand how this can happen, but it is concerning if you don’t know how long he was asleep for. It’s okay to sleep when bub does, but put bub in their crib or cot. Then you will both have a better sleep.


  • Must admit, I slept with bub on my chest in a reclining armchair from 6mo to 12mo.
    It was the only way I could get a croupy baby that was undiagnosed to sleep.


  • I think we are all doing the best we can as parents. Sometimes this happens. In knowing the dangers, if he is a reasonable person he’ll probably try and not do it again.


  • it is dangerous, certainly. make sure to be careful.


  • This is one of the rare occasions where I think it’s valid to tell horror stories – the potential consequences are so awful.


  • It is such an exhausting time for parents!


  • Knowing that I would pass out from exhaustion when feeding my babies in the night, I would prop my arms up with pillows as if I were sitting in an armchair. Never once even relaxed my grip on them. My husband would sleep with our first two babies on his chest as he reclined back on the sofa. I fully understand the dangers of suffocation but there are times when no matter how hard you try, you just can’t stay awake


  • I’ll admit Ive fallen asleep so many time with my Bub in my arms.

    • Yes me too, I’m the last one to blame others !


  • Honestly I fall asleep all the time when breastfeeding my newborn. I do however make sure we are in a position where he will be safe.


  • I’m sure he would never forgive himself if something had happened :( better to be screamed at than live with that…


  • Everyone is tired when you have a new baby so there are lots of emotions, im sure the mother was just shocked and reacted. I have fallen asleep many times holding my babies

    • I agree, shock can cause an immediate reaction.


  • Exhaustion does happen, as do micro sleeps. Care does need be taken along with supporting and assisting each other.


  • I understand his feelings because being with a baby is not easy and it’s exhausting! Anyway one should be more careful


  • I understand the risks, but would have thought he’d be relatively safe with a 7mth old. None of us are perfect and he was clearly exhausted.


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