
Hi, I have a red variety rhubarb in a large pot. It grows new leaves and stalks but as soon as they start to grow the leaves eventually turn yellow then brown and they shrivel up. It is possible to move the plant and I have done just this numerous times but am still not having success with it.

Can someone please tell me if they like full sun, part sun, morning sun, afternoon sun or part shade or all shade. If they like to be placed in a easterly or westerly facing position or what. And any clues on growing them as obverse-ly I am failing miserably.

Advice on how to grow rhubarb?

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  • my rhubarb is in the ground and grows great, it is in sun in the afternoon and gets lots of rain water and I often feed it with sea sole

  • ours grew really well semi shade of established trees in our courtyard. If you have dogs, take care as it is toxic to them x

  • it likes semi shade. if you have a dog, keep them away from it as it is toxic for them

  • wow that last answer was so detailed! i was just going to say, make sure that the soil has the nutrients it needs lol

  • Rhubarb needs well drained soil. Black pots absorb heat and the plants then suffer from heat stress in very warm / hot weather. If the plant touches against the sides or top of the pot they may be getting burnt. If it sends up a stem in the middle of it it is most likely its flower which should be removed as it takes all the nourishment from the plant. If the pot is too close to a fence it may be absorbing heat reflecting from it and scorching the plant. It may need fertilizing. I suggest you contact a Garden Centre. You may get information by googling Rhubarb. The pot may not be a suitable size either. If you only planted it recently you may have planted it at the wrong time of the year. If you live in a very humid area it could also have a disease or virus in it.

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