
As a first time mum to be, I’m unsure of what I will NEED to pack. I’ve read plenty of articles but would love opinions of Mums who have actually been there :) Thanks in advance!

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  • I believe the hospital gave me a list of items to pack and it was great. The only item I needed more of was nighties/pjs because my stay turned out to be longer than expected.

  • Nighties and bras that fasten at the front. Breast pads. Undies and big maternity pads. Usual toiletries. Things to do in case you get a minute that’s not busy, such as books to read or crossword puzzle book

  • My recommendation is “granny undies”.
    I was told this and disregarded the advice. Turns out, I ended up having a c section and couldn’t bear the undies that I had brought with me pushing up against my wound. Had to send hubby out to buy some.
    Also, given you are in nappy type pads after, the bigger the undies, the better!

  • Lots of pads, good feeding bras, lots of underwear, comfy clothes, baby blankets and jumpsuits, toiletries, keep it simple. I had a c-section and was so glad for comfy clothes.

  • Definitely snacks for night time feedsand slippers for those yucky floors

  • Have you had the baby now? Private hospital natural birth is up to a 4 day stay, 5 days for cesarean. They recommend to pack
    Slippers, dressing gown, nursing bras and pads 3 x packets maternity pads, toiletries, comfortable day clothes, going home clothes. Baby clothes provided unless you want them in something special, going home clothes for bub, camera, chargers, contact numbersfor family and friends, massage oil, swimwear or change of clothes for support person (swimwear if they help you in the shower), lip balm.. i think that’s it… I packed my bag on the weekend…can you tell hehe good luck!

  • Depends on how long you are staying in hospital, I stayed 5 days and found the stuff I packed I did not use and hubby had to bring the extra stuff I did need each day. This times I am bringing
    Underwear and pads, shampoo, shower gel, toothpaste and brush, comfortable clothing for yourself.
    Clothing and blankets for baby, Nappies if not provided by hospital, baby wash if you have a brand you want to use.

  • Don’t forget your favourite cd. I had it on all the time during labor and recovery. It was a great help. And my slippers. Don’t forget your slippers! :-)

  • Book or magazine to read, specially if you aren’t hiring a tv. Charger. Some snack foods as hospital food sucks.

    But as for necessities I had for baby 5 nappies packed per day, natural unscebted wipes. Baby oil or a nice natural gentle lotion, two outfits per day. And a couple extra 000 sizes incase 0000 don’t fit. Dummies as my boy was a thumb sucker and wanted that habit broke instantly. wraps and blankets, And any comfort special toy you were wanting to use with baby.

    For myself I had slippers, dressing gown, all my toiletries, thongs to wear in shower, loose baggy outfits, magazines, some snack foods. Phone charger. Pen and paper incase needing to write things down or sign paperwork. And both mine and babies going home outfit. :)

    I had a winter baby June. And this second will be a June baby as well.

  • For Mum
    Plenty of underwear and Maternity pads (Stayfree or Kotex are great)
    I found I was more comfortable in stretch nighties
    Phone charger

    For baby
    A few wraps
    A cute set of clothes to bring Bub home
    Nappies and Wipes just in case hospital doesn’t supply

  • Comfortable clothes for you and baby, muslin wraps / bunny rugs, toiletries (own toilet paper is highly recommended, especially if you splurge on something soft), book or magazines, music (ipod), camera, thongs, granny / cheap undies that you are happy to throw out rather than keep, notepad and pen / pencil for keep track of gifts, etc, hair tye to keep on wrist if breastfeeding to help remember which side you were up to

  • toiletries, pads and plenty of changes of clothing. I didn’t like sitting around in my pj’s so I took more comfortable tops and pants. camera and mag’s and a pen. for bub a few sets of clothing and nappies and wipes.

  • For me I packed clothes,thongs for shower, slippers, underwear, pads, toiletries, snacks, nighty.
    For baby , clothes in 00000 and 0000, nappies, wipes, wraps, soap for bath
    For dad, camera and book

  • Don’t forget your toiletries and has well has baby.Pack lots of throw away underwear due to natural birth bleed.I learnt my lesson with my first delivery and had to sent my husband together me more underwear just buy cheap ones for this.And lastly,heavy plus maternity pads pack about 20 has you will need them cos the hospital only provide thin ones.Be excited cos you will experience a magical thing with your baby.

  • Besides the essentials (hospital will give you a list) take a camera, as you will want to take lots of photos. Don’t stress about all the candles/music etc as in most cases (it just doesn’t happen that way) Anything else hubby or friends can bring in later. Oh and phone and phone charger.

  • Spare change for vending machine, lollies or chips if not for you but your partner. Phone charger, pop top water bottle.

  • flushable moist toilet wipes, makes down stairs much more comfortable with the blood loss that’s happening. Hydro gel breast pads from woolies and Coles are also great for getting used to breast feeding, works a treat on sore nipples especially if Bub has been having trouble latching on.

  • A treat for mum after all your hard work :-)

  • Good quality, but cheap as you can get Maternity pads. You will go through a lot in the first few days! A camera to capture all those precious first moments, first feed, first bath first outfit, first visitor cuddle, etc. A good quality, non-greasy hand cream. Snacks for those midnight feeds. Most important advise I can give is get as much rest as you can. Caring for a new bub is VERY tiring and your body needs to be well rested as you heal. Best of luck. xx

  • Moist toilet wipes! makes going to the loo less fearful afterwards, hospital paper is too scratchy, and as you have to support yourself to have a poop, it’s nicer than paper that dissolves on your hand (sorry too much information?)

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