
This year I have officially been diagnosed with high blood pressure. I’m not after medical advice, I have a doctor for that. Just looking for ways outside of medication and low sodium to help with lowering blood pressure. Doctor says ‘you need to stress less’ like it’s just that easy!

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  • Eatting healthy, limit salt, increase water. Also reduce the stress and get out exercise with some fresh air!

  • Exercise, and really keep an eye on reducing salt.

  • Deep breathing exercises is good. You breath in all the way down to your stomach and slowly breath out while relaxing all your muscles. Tai Chi and meditation classes help too.

  • Stressing about stressing… Yes, I think that’s a common problem. It happens to me when I get up in the middle of the night and I can’t go back to sleep. I stress that I won’t fall asleep and then, of course, I don’t sleep! :-)
    Maybe you could benefit from some relaxation techniques, yoga, meditation.. Do you think it could be something worth a shot?

  • Thanks so much for all your advice. I just can’t seem to get control of it. Medication, healthy living, counselling to gain self help techniques. Still sitting at 140. Doctor is now telling me that I am stressing about stressing. Sigh.

  • Hi! I’ve being thinking about you yesterday, while watching this in Today Tonight. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SnjC4GVPdHI
    Maybe you could try to find out something more about how Kyolic can help to reduce blood pressure.

  • My husband had high blood pressure so we purchased as recipe book that had a meal plan to assist with lowering blood pressure. We found that it was very effective.

  • Swimming has worked for me. Not only do I find it relaxing now (didn’t at first), I can really switch off and it’s “me” time. It has the added benefit of being great exercise and helping me sleep, both which have also helped to decrease my high blood pressure. A shower before bed has also helped me (I shower in the morning but have recently found a shower at night really relaxes me and helps me switch off). A good book to help relax me before sleep also helps quiet my busy mind and helps me stress less (sometimes!)

  • Swimming has worked for me. Not only do I find it relaxing now (didn’t at first), I can really switch off and it’s “me” time. It has the added benefit of being great exercise and helping me sleep, both which have also helped to decrease my high blood pressure. A shower before bed has also helped me (I shower in the morning but have recently found a shower at night really relaxes me and helps me switch off). A good book to help relax me before sleep also helps quiet my busy mind and helps me stress less (something!)

  • Just exercise and trying not to stress. Still end up on medication though – something to do with age as well.

  • If you find any effective way to stress less, please let me know!!! ;-)

    I’m sorry about the high blood pressure. I’m now checking my book by Patrick Holford (“Optimum Nutrition made easy”) and I write down for you what he says about high blood pressure. I hope it helps.

    “A number of nutritional strategies have been shown to reduce high blood pressure and stop – even reverse- narrowing of the arteries. Reducing your intake of salt and increasing sources of magnesium, calcium and potassium can make a substantial difference to blood pressure in just a month. It’s well worth supplement and extra 300 mg of magnesium, as well as eating more greens and pumpkins seeds, which are excellent food sources. Omega 3 fats (in oily fish and fish oil supplements) thin the blood, reduce inflammation and lower your risk of heart disease. Antioxidants also protect arteries. Supplementing a combination of these nutrients is more effective in the long term than taking drugs designed to lower blood pressure, as the nutrients deal with the cause of the problem, rather than the symptom.”

  • My doctor told me exercise is good for lowering blood pressure. Even if its just a half hour walk.

  • Exercise helps, loosing weight where needed, reduce sodium (and up fresh foods with potassium), try to manage stress and be calm, perhaps try yoga and breathing exercises. Certain spices, like tumeric , can also lower blood pressure.

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