
I need tips on how to get the kids on board in cutting out colours, additives and preservatives. My son reacts to these with bad behaviour. I have a 5 year old and an 8 year old. We tried a 2 week no additives trial last year and by the end of the 2 weeks my son was in tears over the fact he didn’t get chocolate and all his friends did. It’s so hard when they are at school and compare lunches. I think my son even swaps with people – he came home with twisties last week which I never buy.

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  • only shop in the fresh aisles and make everything else from scratch

  • You probably can’t get kids totally on board with this; just do the best you can and it will still make a difference.

  • maybe rather than going straight to 100% removal do a gradual process then there reaction may not be as severe. there are healthier options for chips and snacks within the same range

  • The best way to remove additives and preservatives from a diet is to cook things from scratch using natural fresh products

  • Try making healthy options to the junk, there are recipes for just about everything now, with the healthier option. Often they’re yummier and you can’t really tell the difference

  • Stick to fresh produce and read labels to check how many ingredients are in an item.

  • Kids will swap foods, they always have and always will, it is just making them aware as they get older of healthy foods.

  • There are plenty of natural alternatives to processed options.

  • Some diabetes associations and registered dieticians do not condone the use of stevia. Some people get bad side effects from it as well. If you want to colour something pink, you can buy pure strawberry essence which has no artificial additives at all. There is also other essences which contain only natural ingredients. if stewing fruit you can get away without using far less fruit than is recommended, the same with boiled fruit cake, jam etc. We had our own free trees so Mum made all our jam. We only used 2/3 quantity of recommended of sugar quantity. be aware that it acts as a preservative was well as sweetener. If you don’t use enough it will go “off”. Properly sealed jars of jam will keep for at least 3 years.

  • He CAN have chocolate like his friends… Try out some RAW FOOD recipes! Trust me they are amazing.. No kid complains at parties we have when they eat them.. Our kids love them, and enjoy making them too.. Pinterest has so many awesome raw food ideas.. Including chocolate, ice cream, smoothies, snacks, etc..

  • Hi, not sure. It worth a try a book called ‘eat like a dinosaur’ by the paleo parents helped me. And Paleo pals, jimmy and the carrot rocket ship by Sarah fragoso

  • Is he old enough to understand your reasons behind the no additives/preservatives? The only preservative free cordial that I’ve found is called Fruities – available from bigger Coles & Woolworths stores. Needs to be kept in the fridge once opened. It’s hard because there are preservatives in everything these days, it seems. I’m sure you could do everything in your power to ensure that he takes the healthiest things to school but it’s inevitable that they will swap – so in essence that means you’re just buying all the good food for someone else’s child. I hope he can see it from your point soon – good luck.

  • instead of Normal coco and chocolate buy carab from health shops.

    we are starting to re cut preservatives also and making our own cakes biscuits ect and if we need sugar and coco i only use 1/2 the amount and boys don’t seem to mind. and take them shopping to buy the ingredients its hard to start of with but gets easier as you go.

    Plus the boys school has a no swapping food policy unless its a “special day” and there is enough for every one

    Good luck
    Also get them involved in making and choosing what is being made it helped us alot.

  • There are some really great websites and Facebook pages to help with that sort of thing these days. The ones that I’ve found most useful are ‘The Trusted Trolley’ where you can look up additives and see if they’re harmful or not. ‘Additive Free Pantry’ is a good one to follow on Facebook too because the lady who runs it does helpful product comparisons to highlight the better options on supermarket shelves.
    Hope this helps :-)

  • Prepare home made stuff, that’s what I do for my little girl.

  • You could try swapping them for healthier alternatives. Such as dark chocolate instead of milk chocolate. Chips that don’t have numbers in the ingrediants list or even popcorn. Hope this helps

  • Just keep being consistent, and maybe try explaining why you want to make the changes.

  • To cut all the offending additives use the same for the whole family. I made my own bread, and prepared meals from scratch, using fresh whenever I could. Carob replaces chocolate. Replace sugar with Stevia or Coconut sugar. Replace white wheat flour with other flours, Dr. Feingold developed a diet to address ADHD . Body Ecology Diet by Donna Gates is the latest I have become aware of. The Body Ecology Diet will reverse Autism. You can search their information from your search browser. I suggest you approach your son’s school and request their assistance the same as if a child were diabetic and swapping lunches. Perhaps you could ask the class teacher or an aid to supervise the class at lunchtime. This can actually be a part of your son’s IEP. Our children can only consume what we bring into the home, it is really difficult to know what happens out of our home. Explain to your son why he has to be mindful of what he eats and drinks. He will be aware of how he behaved after consuming substances that he reacts to.

  • You can still make chocolates that are yummy. Raw chocolate is divine and you can add different flavours to it. I think you just have to take the hard line and wean them off it. I don’t mind mine having a treat now and again at birthday parties though.

  • Try letting him help make the food… I find school holidays are the best time to trial new foods. Show him what junk can do to your teeth etc

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