
Why is it after you have kids, that you feel old and ugly and fat?

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  • I certainly feel down at times. Not because I’m old, ugly and fat, but because life can be hard and stressful

  • Our bodies go through so many changes and our babies steal our nutrients to help them grow. I lost some back teeth and definitely put on the kilos but I wouldn’t change that over “looking better”.
    You can do lifestyle changes to help some of these things, but at the end of the day we all age, and at different rates regardless.
    I think it’s normal to have some feelings about we once were, but if it is affecting your life and how you feel I would suggest you see a professional that may be able to help you. I wish you the best.

  • I think everyone feels down at times but if its something that’s not letting up and starting to effect your quality of life you should make an appointment with your GP. Being a mum is a wonderful gift but it can also be really hard sometimes and it’s easy to lose your “sense of self” If you can, try and make sure you get some time to do things you love for yourself. Its important to look after yourself because as I like to say “you can’t pour from an empty cup”

  • Because you’re tired, and busy, and have probably had to sideline some of your interests for a while, and you might be a bit overweight, and you don’t have the same time to spend on hair and makeup as you used to. It does get better!

  • Probably because you’re exhausted, we all tend to be a bit self negative when we are tired. I hope you’re feeling better

  • I feel down at times but not because I feel old ugly and fat. Life just has it challenges sometimes and it’s normal when things that happen affects our mood.

  • I think we all feel this way at times. If it passes, it’s no stress. You seem to be stuck and could need a Drs help

  • Hope you are feeling better and not feeling bad about yourself. We change over time and it is ok, we just need to handle the changes and also embrace the changes too.

  • Great creations kids. I feel like this sometimes you just have to remember you baked them awesome children in your body you gVe them life. 🙂 you did that no matter how you looks!

  • I havnt even given birth to my daughter and i feel that way. everyone i was friends with is do immature now. I think its the mind set and all the extra stress but less sleep takes its toll on its your skin and appearance and when your so busy you dont get as much time to look after yourself.
    i also have depression. watch out for that yourself. a down day or so isn’t bad but to often and it might be more than just down.

  • Sorry to hear that you feel this way; take some time for yourself and do the things you enjoy. It is important to put yourself first and meet your needs too! Hopefully you will feel better about yourself. 🙂

  • I have a baby and a toddler and they are little energy thieves. Guess all this happens when you always put yourself second. Maybe get someone to look after the kids and go for coffee with friends, come home and have a nice soak in the bath…. Oh I really want to do this now.

  • Yes I feel like this too. We do so much for out kids and not enough for ourselves.

  • For me I have no family support so I can’t just drop everything to go have me time, I find that hard to adjust to sometimes.
    I also have worked out it’s because the majority of my conversations are with a 4 yr old a 2 year old and a 11 week old.
    I miss adult conversations sometimes

  • I feel down quite often, afternoons are the worst for me. I don’t know if it us because I’m tired, or bored or just can’t be bothered but I just feel blah…

  • Because we can never find enough time to make ourselves glamorous unfortunately. You are still beautiful no matter how you look. It’s the person you are that makes you beautiful, not what you look like. Don’t let anyone tell you different

  • Because we don’t put ourselves first anymore.

  • Possibly because kids are tactless? Yesterday Master Six offered to help me to a chair “because you’re old and grey and a bit sick, aren’t you Mummy?”

  • I hear you! My eldest is 11 yrs and my youngest is 4.5 months, I haven’t had my hair done in about 18 months and I haven’t gotten dressed up in about a year! I’m breastfeeding so it makes it hard to do anything without the baby, they’re just so time consuming! Not that I’m complaining, it would be nice to have some “me” time occasionally 🙂 it will happen soon though I’m sure 🙂

  • I think we all wish to look as youthful as we were prior to our babies but it becomes harder with each bub I found. Give yourself time, even losing 10% of your body weight will give you back the energy you need. Good Luck!

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