
I’ve heard some people mention that they started their kids seeing a dentist when they started school but that seems a bit of a long wait. I’m not concerned about my little ones teeth but I’m wondering if I should take him to see the dentist anyway.

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  • I took mine from 2 years of age for regular check ups 6 monthly.

  • I took mine @ 5 & they were fine :)

  • Do you remember the good old days when we had free dental checks at school. I think my first dental check was in Kindy . Well those days are gone and it is up to us now and it is a shame they don’t have it for the children now. I think it is never too early for checkups and if you are on extras cover it should be free anyway , but they started charging us a small fee because I chose the lowest cover .

  • From around 2-3 once those first lot of teeth are through we generally started. Now they are at school, the school dentist comes every year.

  • when they start school is always a good time to see the dentist, optometrist etc just to check there are no problems. if you have concerns earlier I would take them younger.

  • Children need to be introduced to your dentist as early as possible. Once they are familiar with the dentist and the chair and all the scary equipment will not be so scary when they actually NEED to have a consult. Take you child when you go and they can see mum or dad trusting the dentist to poke about in your mouth. My children were introduced as little ones when I went. My son’s Kindy class went to a dentist as an excursion and the kids all had a blast and this was such a positive experience and they all were given a toothbrush and dental care leaflets designed for kids.

  • My dentist suggested the kids having their own appointment at about 5 years of age when they can understand instructions, but they come with me to my appointments so that they get used to seeing tepee equipment. They usually get a ride on the dentists chair and a bag of goodies each that includes a new kids toothbrush. So they think it’s a treat going to the dentist rather than what I used to think (I hated going).

  • I have it in my head that it’s two years, but I don’t really know where I got that from.

  • I started my children visiting the dentist at 3 years of age. The theory was that they wouldn’t dread dentist visits when eventually work had to be done. Worked well for me and mine. Good luck.

  • My cousin is a dentist and recommends as early as possible. It gets them used to it and makes it less of a scary place when real work needs to be done. Check ups are always good once a year anyway.

  • It’s a fantastic idea, you get them used to the dentist without the need for anything to be done and if the dentist is good they will make the visit enjoyable and you won’t have any trouble as the kids get older. That’s what I did when my son was 3 and now my grand daughter has been 3 times and she is 4 and loves the dentist. She loves showing me the toothbrushes she gets and telling me all about the ‘nice dentist’. Good Luck, Mary

  • I took my son just after his 3rd birthday I really only done it then just so he was aware of what going to the dentist actually meant and what will happen when you go there.
    He loved it the dentist guy was fantastic with him showing him all his tools and what they do he loved that the chair moved up and down and back lol.

  • I was told by the dentist it is recommended at 2 because the order of teeth can be checked, they lift the lip to check for early signs of dental decay and to encourage a positive experience before going when in pain and needing work done. We were told provided we had no concerns that another visit would be at 3 years. It was free so worth it.

  • Wow. No I never left it that late, usually about 2 years as I was told that’s when you should take them.

  • You can take him any time you like really but they wont really do anything much as its more about getting him used to seeing the Dentist. The odds of him having something wrong with his teeth at such a young age would be very slim.

  • We had them seen for the first time around 4 once all the baby teeth where in

  • I have spoken to my dentist about this and he says that 5 is a good age, before that they are too easily frightened by all the noise and lights and everything, so as long as they are brushing (or being brushed) twice a day and have not problems this age is fine.

  • Always good to start promoting healthy interactions with your dentist from an early age…saves a lot of anxiety and stress down the track.

  • I took my 3 year old for the first time a couple of month ago, I wanted toile sure everything was coming thru correctly and give him positive memories of the dentist not just going when he’s in pain

  • I’ll be asking the dentist next time I go, just to be sure!

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