
Hi everyone my poor 5 month old has horrible eczema to the point where I have to put mittens on and wrap her when she sleeps to get her to stop scratching.. she’s currently bathing in Dermaveen using the Dermaveen eczema lotion and also Dermaid to try and soothe the itch for her but it isn’t working as much as I’d like. Any product you can recommend for my poor bub, she’s been up and down a lot because she’s so restless and itchy.. thanks ladies :)

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  • I think eczema is something to go to do doctor with, don’t expect to solve it with an over the counter cream

  • My youngest daughter had really bad Ecezma as a baby and still gets flare ups to this day and she is now 21. Best see a GP and ask whether seeing a Dermatologist is a good idea,

  • Taking them to the beach for a swim is meant to be goid. Not sure if it’s the salt water or the sunshine that’s of benefit though, but definitely helps relieve and soothe it

  • Need to see your GP about this. Failing to treat eczema has resulted in parent’s getting into real trouble when there was a flare. While I don’t like the prescription creams they do settle a bad flare down, especially while you’re trying to work out what might be triggering this inflammatory response (something in environment, or something in diet, or other). Plenty of moisturizing through the day; no soaps when washing; minimizing washing the skin fullstop!

  • Lots and lots of moisturiser. Slather it on at bedtime and wrap her up. Avoid soapy baths. Try changing your laundry detergent and fabric softener too

  • I think we’ve tried everything for our kids. The best products we’ve found are the natural bath soaks from itchybabyco.com.au and raw coconut oil from goodness.com.au.
    Worth giving them a go.x

  • I know the only product that worked for my brother who is now 20 was pinetarsol… Not sure if that’s outdated now though?

  • I see this was a long time a go. poor bubba. I had the same problem.
    I got told to avoid baths. and keep bub cool. the stuff you were using was what I was recommended. I got told to avoid natural stuff like coconut oil lol

  • Sorry to hear about your baby. My little one suffered horribly through winter. I ended up getting advantan from my doctor which cleared up the stubborn patches of skin. I now use excema body wash and cream by moo goo to control it and his skin has been great lately. You can buy moo goo from chemists.

  • You could try a cortisone cream to relieve the itch when it’s really bad. I would talk to my doctor about this. I would definitely try a natural product called moogoo eczema.

  • My little girl suffered from terrible eczema as a baby – no over-the-counter products did any good at all…in the end it was Elidel cream on prescription that did the trick – after months and months of her whole body being covered, it was gone in a few days. After the initial treatment I used it for flare ups – brilliant stuff!!

  • yes, the product that finally worked for my son who also used to scratch his skin to pieces through the night, was an ointment made from native bees wax. A friend who farms the little critters made it for me to try and because it worked so well I agreed to help him continue making it. You can check out the face book page for more info but i am happy to send you out a sneaky freebie for you to try (assuming you are in Australia) because it was so good for my son and I know how hard it is to watch your child try and cope with eczema. Maybe contact me through face book as I will be checking that regularly.


  • My girls get it too – I give them omega3 tablets, use moogoo, and moisturise after every bath

  • So sorry to hear this – hopefully your little one will grow out of it though (most do!)
    I’ve suffered from eczema for decades, and used to use horrible steroid creams. Now I only use Dr Wheatgrass Skin Recovery Cream or spray, which I find to be really effective (without the nasty side-effects of the cortisone creams) and totally safe, including for babies. Good luck!

  • Have you tried using cold pressed coconut oil?

  • you could try hot wet wraps. you wet some towels in nice warm water, cover your child in dermaveen and wrap her up in there forawhile. you will have to hold her and maybe watch her favourite cartoon or movie till the towels go cool then remove. if your not getting too much success you should see a doctor about advantan fatty ointment.

  • My brother has severe eczema and swears by goats milk products. Good luck.

  • Don’t know if helps but as u probably already considered washing additives affect some little ones .I use Paw Paw cream on mine &les@ chemicals the better .

  • Hi I feel for you and your daughter I have chronic excezma. I use something called frank body you get it from . http://Www.farnkbody.com.au it’s $14.95 delivered and after a couple of uses it really helped but I also use the deermaveen also. It’s all natural and fine for baby’s I use it on my son also he is 12 months. Also, cut out gluten it has a big effect. Good luck xo

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