
I have a 4 year old son who constantly has a runny nose at daycare but due to Covid, we are not allowed to bring them in. Trying to prevent getting sick as much as possible and trying to reduce severity and heal faster if they do get sick.

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  • Cod liver oil – an oldie, but brilliant at helping with any respiratory problems. Kiwi fruit are an excellent source of vitamin C which helps their immune system. A balanced diet with loads of fresh fruit vegetables, nuts and wholegrains. And SLEEP. Good luck :)

  • A healthy diet and drinking plenty of water is the best possible basis. Unfortunately sniffles are hard to avoid when they’re in daycare.

  • make sure they are having a balanced diet to include plenty of vitamin rich foods.

  • High quality fridge probiotics, there are more superior to shelf stable ones. One teaspoon of powder, twice daily.
    Can be added into yoghurt or mixed into juice.
    Very good for immunity and general health.

  • Vitamin C. Normally you take it once the cold starts but I find over winter a dose a day is very helpful.

  • Eating foods high in antioxidants, such as vegetables and fruits,Extra vitamin c and good night sleep.

  • My daughter has had a runny nose and the daycare said she is ok to go as long as it is clear. I took her to the doctor all the same to get checked and they gave her a letter saying she was not contagious, it was just a runny nose due to the cold weather. I have been putting baby Vicks on her lately and she is still bf so I am hoping that helps with a quick recovery for future sickness.

  • Keep up good hygiene, plenty of water and healthy eating (the more fruit and veggies the better), a good nights sleep, up to date immunisations, exercise, and supplements such as zinc and fish oil are good,

  • At the start of winter I always up the multivitamin and the vitamins c as well if they catch a cold then I use blackmores cold and flu gummy chews to help with the symptoms. Not much you an get there immune systems is still building up and remember every 6 weeks they will probably have a viral thing happening…does get better when they are at school……but then you get the school stuff as well.

  • I use ethical nutrients immune defence supplement all winter long. They also make a immune booster for kids that might help you. Keep an eye out for specials at good price pharmacy and chemist warehouse as you can often get this range half price

  • Daycare nose SUCKS! my gp issued a letter once to advise that my child wasn’t I’ll and that it was seasonal. Theirs was a reaction to change of season and cold weather. We have had to test both my children for covid and keep them home for a week. I keep up multivitamins, good hygiene and healthy eatting. Good luck!

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