
We have decided to cater our own birthday party for my 9yo, it would be held at a games arcade, will be expecting 20 children, what are good ideas for food?

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  • Can you get a local pizza place like domino’s to deliver pizzas? That always goes down well. Then you really probably just need a fruit platter and a few snacks and a cake. Also depends what time the party is and how long it goes for I guess.

  • Pizzas can work really well. Otherwise, finger foods like sausage rolls and party pies.

  • 1. fairy bread (cheap, df)
    2. cake
    3. chicken crimpys
    4. chips
    5. lollies

  • We just had our 4 year olds birthday and normally make everything. With the cost of living it was actually cheaper for us to buy ready made foods. We just shopped the specials each week leading up and we saved more than making ourselves

  • buy frozen items such as hash brown chips or snacks. it will be a hit

  • Wraps cut up into smaller pieces, and maybe some pizza delivered. I would always include a fruit platter because I found that children do eat fruit when it’s right in front of them. :D

  • Cob, make your own sandwich platters – hot chooks, rolls, salad yummmo

  • You could make meat and veg sausage rolls, cheeseburger sliders, fruit salad, pasties, pasta salad. Things that will appeal to kids even if you’re unable to reheat them. Best to have a range of options, vegetarian and lactose free. You could put out a cheese, dip and veg plater for any parents that stick around.

  • Just had my daughters birthday at a park and I went with Costco sandwiches and made some cheese and beef cocktail empanadas. I made fairy bread too. They were a hit as I had about 45 kids.

  • Check if you need to cater for any allergies. Finger food is best, savoury muffins, pizza pinwheels, chicken nuggets, fruit in jelly cups, I think if you google you’ll get some great recipes.

  • Maybe invest in a good party book. We have a book that covers food, drinks, cakes, party bags and games for all ages. We always refer to it for parties and it is a terrific resource.

  • I got all my ideas for party food from Pinterest. Have a look. There might be something you like.

  • Fruit platters, cubes of cheese, chocolate powerballs, crackers & dips, party pies, sping rolls, choclate fountain with fresh fruit, bowls of chips, bowls of nuts, etc

  • Simple and easy finger food is always a good way to go when a party is not at home. Children will be so occupied with having fun and will probably not eat huge amounts of food.

  • Sandwich platters, bowl of popcorn, bowl of fruit, few small bowls of lollies, plate of lamingtons. SImple, cost effective, kids actually dont need anything fancy.

  • For big groups of children, it can be easy to pre package all the food. Kinda like a party bag with individual items, saves on mess & they can take their bag home too.
    Small packets of chips, lollies, etc

  • Mini popcorn boxes, sandwiches, fruit kebabs, pizza slices, jelly cups with a freddo in it. The options are endless. If you have Pinterest I would suggest having a look as they have some great ideas.

  • Fruit skewers, fairy bread, cupcakes, potato chips, bowls of lollies. If you access to heat food up somewhere, party pies, sausage rolls, chicken nuggets, hot chips and mini pizzas

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