
I have been going to my GP for over 10 years now and they have decided now not to bulk bill anymore.
I am constantly at the Dr due to health issues how can I now afford to go see them if they are going to charge me.

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  • Talk to your GP. They may be willing to make special arrangements for you.

  • then find one that does?

  • I feel for you. It’s a difficult situation to be in. Can you talk to you GP about it. Sometimes GPs make exceptions to copayments or reduce them because of your circumstances

  • Check with Services Australia to see if you are eligible for a low income health care card. And see if your Doctor will accept that. It’s getting harder to get healthcare

  • My GP clinic has changed to billing however it is up to the doctors discretion if they decide to bulk bill it or not.
    It’s worth an ask.
    Or try applying for a low income health care card from Centrelink.

  • It’s so tough at the moment so many Dr’s not bulk billing or accepting certain payments. I would shop around you can ask for a copy of your records so your new Dr has it.

  • Bulk billing can be done at the doctors discretion. Ask them.

  • Talk to your GP. Ours officially does not bulk bill, but unofficially they do for selected patients. For example, we’re there a LOT because of multiple health issues, and quick checks for our kids will often be bulk billed.

  • That’s so hard! We’ve started going to the walk in drs for quick checks. Any annual check ups we still go to our regular and pay

  • I would be looking for another bulk billed GP now. Crazy decision they have made

  • Also, I found out the other day, there’s such a thing as a care plan. If you have a chronic illness that requires regular GP visits, your Dr can draw up a care plan which entitles you to 4 free visits a year as well as other free/discounted health professionals. Not a lot, but it’s something that helps

  • Some doctors will bulk bill individual patients. I know my Dr charges a reduced rate to some HCC holders and bulk bills a few others full rate.

  • speak to your doctor about your situation. i know my GP chooses to bulk bill for some patients but not for others. I know that she bulk bills me and my family, but my friends who see the same dr have to pay for their appointments.

  • It’s a sad situation for many. Speak to your doctor about in case they can help.

  • My GP was the same but they still offer bulk billing for telehealth, you only pay if you have a face to face. Maybe they will consider doing something similar. Here in WA, we are finding less and less bulk billing GP’s. I would have a chat to your doctor and see if there is anything they can do to assist you. Good luck

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