
We have loved having the toddler come into our bed over our trip away and feed during the night… But we’re looking to transition back to his own bed now we’re back. He usually only comes in half way through the night but I also feed him. I know the techniques I’ll use but I want to change one at a time rather than both at once… Which would you tackle first?

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  • I think Go both . He is only coming to you through the night as your feeding is his sleep Que . Go shopping introduce a blankie or soft toy of his choice and if he comes to you when he wakes between one of the 4 sleep cycles , offer water only and walk him back . Also be careful not to over water I was advised offer water the first three nights then just walk back unless they ask for water . Self setteling between the cycles is the key . Talk about when he wakes at night and explain he is to cuddle his friend and go back to sleep .

  • let it happen organically – I don’t know too many big kids that jump into bed with mum and dad… just trust your gut and you will be ok x

  • As a mum who is currently tackling the same situation I suggest both. Try to wean the night feeding right off as you transition him back to his bed. My daughter is 3 and we are weaning and learning to sleep in our own bed at the same time. She no longer feeds during the day or before sleep but if she ends up coming in during the night she helps herself 🙂 I am beginning to work on not allowing her to come in with us when she wakes during the night and I believe that it will wean her off night feeding entirely. Good luck 😀

  • I agree with the other posts. It might be easier to drop the night feeds first. Good luck.

  • I’d stop the night feeds as once he stops feeding during the night he may not wake in the middle of the night and therefore stay in his bed.

  • I would probably tackle the night feeds first – only because mine kept coming into our bed at night until in year 1 – due to bad/vivid dreams. We didn’t have a problem with this – and kids waking up at night can go on for quite a while.

  • I would be inclined to feed him when he comes in then put him back to bed. Eventually he will stop waking up for night time feeds.

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