
I love my caffeine, coffee to be exact, I have at least 1 a day, or can go up to 3 on days when I’m really lacking sleep or energy.
But when I don’t have my morning coffee on time, ie, before 10am I get a headache that sometimes becomes a migraine, does that happen to anyone else?

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  • That was me! I’ve switched to decaf and no issues now

  • Here is my solution, say you drink 10 cups of coffee a day. 2 teaspoons in each up.

    Get all of your coffee, mix the coffee with lions mane(this is for focus/concentration), maca root(for hormonal balance), cocoa(for a calmer feeling), and sugar. Maybe a small amount of cinnamon if desired.
    I change ratios quite a bit, the idea is to have less coffee in one heaped teaspoon. That way there is still flavour.

    20g lions mane (this is a mushroom too much will affect flavour)(and reduce inflammation)
    One packet of maca root from coles. (240g?) (slight caramel flavour – a bit weird for a root vegetable)
    Add the same volume of cocoa.
    Add the sugar to taste.
    I would not put too much cinnamon in, itll be gross.
    Cinnamon helps control blood sugar.

    Drink 10 cups of coffee a day, and your caffeine intake will 1/4 or less.

  • How long have you had this coffee routine for? Maybe try drink plenty of water in between and see if that maybe helps?

  • I’m the opposite. I don’t drink coffee, I avoid caffeine altogether, but when I have a headache that won’t budge……if I have a coffee or a Coke (Coke and Bundy mixed seems to work best) it helps my headache

  • No, and it sounds pretty unusual that you’d suffer withdrawal from just one cup a day. You might just be unlucky.

  • This sounds strange to lots of people but I’ve never had a cup of coffee in my life. The coffee culture in Australia is strong and stories such as this is part of why I don’t want to start. No judgement here, keep having your coffee before 10 to avoid the headaches but if you want change try switching to teas such as ginger.

  • I also love my coffee, I drink 3 cup a day, sometimes up to 5 cups a day and will only experience a headache late in the day if I don’t have a coffee. Possibly the amount I drink, delays the headache.

  • This sounds like withdrawal symptoms. Your body is craving that caffeine. I used to be a heavy coffee drinker and cut back dramatically. I experienced migraines for some time till my body adjusted.

  • Sometimes I get a headache. But I try to drink lots of water. I’m not sure if it has anything to do with coffee.

  • Ive heard this happening to people, must be some type of caffeine withdrawl.

  • Yes, I get really bad headaches when I don’t have my regular coffees. When I was pregnant, it took me a while for my body to adjust to not having caffeine in my system at all.

  • Caffeine withdrawal

  • Oops! Should read best and not bet below.

  • Maybe try different types of coffee. I had to find one that bet suited my taste buds and body.

  • Can definitely relate to these headaches. Took a few weeks of adjustment when I was pregnant and went cold turkey, but found that (not surprisingly) the headaches went away. Coffee withdrawal is a real thing.

  • Yes it’s caffeine withdrawal.
    My mum used to get it a lot. She cut down to no more than 1 a day and weaned off it.

  • Yes I think that’s possible. Mt husband doesn’t drink a great deal of coffee but get’s a headache when he doesn’t

  • I’m surprised that with so little a day that happens. Maybe wean yourself off by making them weaker and gradually to decaf.

  • I’m not sure I could function without my caffeine in the morning and yes I’d definitely get headaches/withdrawal symptoms if I didn’t have it but I love my coffee ands it’s one thing I have no intention of giving up.

  • I love coffee and can drink it all day long without impact or can leave it! Caffeine does impact everyone differently and I know people that get shaky and headaches because of caffeine.

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