
Just wanted to know if any mums make home made yoghurt? What brand of yoghurt maker do you recommend?

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  • I don’t make yoghurt but make daily kefir. I got the kefir grains passed on by a friend many years ago and it’s still going strong.
    The biggest nutritional difference between the two is that kefir contains more probiotics than yogurt. While yogurt also contains some probiotics, kefir is more potent. If you are looking to improve digestion or gut health, kefir is the better choice.

  • No I don’t but I would like to, there’s way too much sugar in the shop bought yoghurt. Thanks for these tips, I’m off to buy an esiyo

  • I’ve got an esi-yo too – they’re great

  • Yes think the Esiyo system is great! I really want one!

  • Easiyo yoghurt maker is a permanent feature in my kitchen for years.

  • You do not need a yoghurt maker, if you have a slow cooker try making it in there, I have, only thing is my hand slipped on the milk so it was a bit runny, awesome, but yummy. http://www.slowcookercentral.com/recipe/slowcooker-yoghurt/

  • I recommend the Easiyo yoghurt maker. It is simple to use and works evrery time. I have noticed they have a new design out currently with new easier to scoop your yoghurt out of pots available from online retailers. You can get plain greek yoghury and add your own flavour after making it. I like to add honey, nuts and seeds to mine or even a little instant coffee with honey and macadamia nut pieces- yum. I like storing the yoghurt plain and then adding flavour individually to mine and kids and hubbys portions. The kids really like brown sugar and cinnamon mixed into plain greek yoghurt.

  • Easiyo all the way in this house

  • I use the easyo maker have been using it for years .so many yummy flavours you can even make icecream

  • I use easiyo. I have found Hansells sachets work perfectly in the easiyo maker as well. The strawberry cheesecake flavour is divine.

  • I had an ‘i eco’ yoghurt maker, but after using it a few times I found that just putting it in a dish then into an eski of warm water over night did a much better job.

  • We use the Esiyo system which is about $15 and you can buy from the major supermarkets. Easy and tasty

  • I didnt realise you could make it in the slow cooker, that is perfect!

  • I make mine with tofu, soymilk and avacardos. it’s so yum!!

  • I’ve seen some great recipes making yoghurt in your slow cooker here on MoM’s recipes.

  • Not since I was young have I tried my hand at yoghurt making, may give it a try again now. Thanks for all the info shared here.

  • I don’t have a yoghurt maker but I’m reading the comments because I’m interested too! Thanks for asking.

    I have a rice cooker so I might give it a go!

  • Feeling inspired to make some yoghurt this weekend! Thanks!

  • The consensus seems to be Easiyo

  • Thanks Mums, you have given me the idea to make some now!

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