
We love hand making our Christmas cards and sending them to family and friends. Do you send Christmas Cards?

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  • I still send Christmas cards and love recieving them too.

  • I sent out nine cards this year and only got one back. I did however receive lots of phone calls from the other recipients thanking me for the card.

  • I didn’t send one card last Christmas and we only received about half a dozen. I think the art of sending cards is dying out. A shame really.

  • I think this year I’ll give it a miss. It’s already the 18th of December and my family lives oversees, so it will never be on time. I think I’ll just send a season greeting per email or so.

  • I used to send them, but it was disheartening that I sent say 20, but get 10 back. So I figured why bother.

  • We don’t make them and I usually only send to those I know will send me one. But this year, I sent to everybody. I can’t wait to see who will be bothered to return the favour

  • We too do get a lot of email ones but the card copy ones I feel are more special.

  • I used to, but found the last few years that numbers of cards received has decreased because of facebook messages, etc. I now just send them to some friends and my aunty.

  • Christmas cards are a lovely gesture and we try to give them with a gift!

  • I do. I think its a rare thing these days but I make the time to send cards to friends, school friends/playgroup etc. Obviously not everyone – maybe 10 or so people. My kids paint, draw or fingerprint! I think its a lovely personal thing to receive. I love getting paintings used as wrapping paper from friends children and I do it as i think it’s important to take the time to handmake or write something personal. Even if we only manage it once a year!

  • Love the sound of both of these ideas – do you have any pics of your cards?

  • Yes we do and the children love choosing which design we do. Last year we made thumbprint reindeer’s and Santa hand print cards.

  • Im so lazy when it comes to christmas cards. Mainly my family receives them with a gift but when it comes to other pepeople it doesnt seem to happen. But hopefully I will do it this year :)

  • We always have. But only really get 1 or 2 back. We seem to be the only ones doing it these days. & with the price of postage set to go up in the new year, I’m starting to think it’s just going to get too expensive when all people do is throw it in the bin

  • I love making and sending Christmas cards. It absolutely fills me with joy! :)

  • Yes, I do! Every year! A picture of my daughter close to the Christmas tree!

  • Unfortunately not really to family apart from my dad and his family, and my aunt, uncle and cousins… Though we do do Christmas cards for friends at school/kindy/daycare. This year, each card will have 2 balloons, and 1 small candy cane in each envelope along with the card =)

  • I love to send cards, I have made them before but generally its just to those interstate I send to now.

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